Marina Etiquette Tips

I'd like to add another, that pertains to the boat ramp:

  • If there are others waiting for you at the ramp, get your boat loaded/unloaded and leave promptly!

Our local marina's ramp that we use is very low volume. I've only had to deal with another boat on a couple of trips on weekends the entire summer. But in one of those instances, one had just come in from fishing. I was parked away from the ramp outfitting my boat with dock lines, fenders, removing transom straps, putting in the plug, etc. and was now ready to go.

The guy got in his vehicle and proceeded down the ramp. They loaded the boat and pulled it just out of the water. I pulled forward, in position to begin backing up yet allowing them to get out and away. And there I sat for the next 20 minutes. :smt015 The rest of my family had walked down to the dock ramp (wife, kids and parents) and were waiting for me. They turned on the faucet and hosed down the boat. That's fine. But then the lady pulled out a broom and they hosed down and washed the entire interior and exterior of the boat! THEN, they hook up the water muffs and run the engine for a few minutes! All the while we're all watching and waiting. I had had about enough and just when I began walking down to the ramp to join the rest of my family in gawking at them with laser eyes, they jumped in the truck, pulled forward out of my way and parked. :smt038

When we returned, they were still parked. They must have stuck around the marina for dinner or something. It would have been nice if they would have let me in, then proceeded to wash their boat afterward. I was in and out in 5 minutes.....anyway, :huh:
Yes, rondds, unfortunately I know all too well the type you are referring to. Last year I played Good Samaritan and towed a 30 foot cruiser back to the gas dock from about two miles out. Ever try docking with a boat in tow, on a crowed weekend, wind about 15 knots, some moderate chop and dock hands staring with mouths agape, unprepared to grab a line or offer any assistance?
Presentation said:
Use a cleat hitch on the end of your line attached to your boat cleat and a clove hitch on the teenager. :thumbsup:

Presentation, maybe you should go back and take a look again at the knots link in the General Maintenance section. You will see the clove hitch is included in the boating section only to say it should not be used in boating as it will slip or bind.

So in your application, it may slip and have no effect, not too bad really. Or it may bind, and this teenager may be yours to deal with for the forseeable future! Better think about it! :grin:
At my home marine gas dock the younger dock hands seem ready to help anytime I pull in. Maybe because they have found out I am one of the few that will tip them. It good to see that they are working and not just killing time or living off the folks :smt021 Most of the smaller marines I've visited on the TN river have great help and yes I tip them too. They are in the service business and I think they learn real quick that good service gets good rewards :thumbsup:

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