Lost my job. I can't believe it.

When I was laid off I was sent to the Half Way House (Placement agency) they provided me with an ofice, secretary, uses of accontant and all the long distance calls I wanted. The time I could spend there was open ended. After 6 months of seminars and mentoring on how to first find a job then how to start a buisness after we found out there were no jobs for old tank builder and maitenance managers They taught me how to make how to put a buisness plan together and how to make cold calls. The main thing was to have what they called a 30 second add you could use on the phone and in person. The secret to the add was to start with My name is and I do not expect you to have work in my field but was wondering if you knew any one who might be interested in my services. I do........They also did buisness cards up for me with my name, contact info and education on the front and on the back my areas of expertise. Staples will make up a thousand cards for $20 for one side and two sided for $50. To start, print a few on your computer to get the feel for what you want then get some done at Staples as the ink will not run like home printed ones and they look more profesional. Also do up a two side flyer with what you do and experience. The trick was to fold it in three so it would fit on a pocker. The 1/3 side exposed on mine stated in bold big letters "I SOLVE PROBLEMS" when you opended up you got what I did, contact information and my experience. One of those got me my first job. One happy customer seemed tolead tothe next after that. I priced my services at the low end of the going rate. In Canada the government agency that pays you your Unemplyment Insurance also puts on seminars on how to look for work and start a buisness. The US probably has the same thing.
Sorry to hear Todd. These are some interesting times we are in.
Best of luck with your new adventure.
Just remember if you are will be the hardest working employee, you will be the happiest boss. (grin)
Hmm, last week, 50 people were laid off where I work, I wasn't one, but it got me to thinking. I've had a few people tell me recently that I should start my own business in photography (I've been getting into it more in the past year or so. and they've liked some of my photos.) It might be a good idea for me to start thinking about that I guess, as there is no way of knowing if the axe will come my way. I hope not, but you never know.

Good luck Todd, from everything I know of you, I think you'll do well once you figure out what you want to do.
Todd ~
Though the situations are not the same they are not that dis-similar either. In 1992 I retired from the Army. I like you loved what I was doing but a downsize was coming and it was time to go. About three days or so after retiring and watching my wife go off to work it hit me. I have no place to go. I felt like nobody wanted me. I was lost. For 20 years (with the Army) and schooling and work prior to the Army - I always had a place to go. Luckily for me I found myself in the mortgage/insurance/investment arena and then later a GM for a major corp. But that first year I felt helpless. Some of it was I just didn't know where to go to get assistance to help me move on. Later the GM position downsized and I was out of work again. But this time I couldn't wait to go. This time I knew I had skills and how to market myself to my next position. Working for someone, my own company, partnering with some. It didn't matter I knew what to do.
From what I have read and what you have written I think you do too. There are a lot of tools out there to use. Invest in yourself. Enlist the help of others, bounce off of us your ideas but in the end make sure you make the decision that is right for you and your family.
We are here for you,
Todd, as you can see, several on here have been in your shoes, myself included.

A few suggestions from one who's been there, done that...
1. tighten the belt a bit and don't start any major projects because a new job could come along soon and leave that project unfinished
2. take a month or two to get your head screwed on straight ((trust me, it ain't on straight after losing your job!!) before you start looking for a new direction.
3. relax, take a few deep breaths, and realize that your world has changed, not ended.
4. Hug your wife every day because this will be scary to her too.
5. Take time to gather your thoughts, explore some new directions, do your homework, then pour yourself into it.

I wish you much success Todd.

Very good recommendations! Been there...done that too Todd. I worked for the same company for 25 years and they pulled the plug on a department making money. I bought all the equipment and started my own company. I also work a fulltime job with a fexible schedule that provides Health Care etc plus I get the summer off with pay & benefits.....I kept my business at home because customers don't come to me....I go to them. I kept it small and take it all.....awesome income tax deductions on using my home and it just works for us. Very flexible schedule and no store hours. You'll find what works for you and the family....Mike.
Todd, Sorry to hear this, I know you can succeed in your next endeavor, will keep you in our prayers. Good luck in whatever path you take.
Good luck, Todd. I’m sure you’ll land on your feet.
Sorry to hear that Todd. But as mentioned earlier, one door closes and another opens. Mine closed in Nov 2007. It was Thursday Nov 15 and I was told to hit the road after a "disagreement" with a new wet behind the ears 27 year old used car salesman who just took over as sales manager of Featherlite Coaches selling 1.5 million dollar coaches! He never even walked inside one and thought he knew better than me how to build one. I have been doing this since 1984 and have a loyal customer following....because I put the customer first! By Saturday I was on Legal Zoom starting my own service business. The hardest part was coming up with a name. I started Monday morning by myself, made a couple calls and landed the Ford Racing account refurbishing the old coach! This bad economy has exploded my business! People are remodeling instead of buying new. I think the lock and key business will explode as well! Come up with something cool and affordable. In this economy I don't think you should take time off to reflect or think or whatever, HIT THE GROUND RUNNING and don't look back. I started with a couple creditt cards and about 1200.00 dollars in the bank! GIT R DONE!!!!

BTW...I still don't have a business plan, and we just built a new facility on 11 acres that is 270' x 110' that can hold 42 buses. I should be able to move in early April :grin:
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A lot of good advice, and a lot of people that have been through what your are feeling. One thing to remember is your job does not define you; you define your job, regardless of the job description. You brought everything you are and everything you know to work every day, and that is now a void in your old company. Even if someone new fills the position, they will not replicate what you brought and you are still the same person you were before. This is not so important as you reflect on the job you used to have, but vital to how you view your current situation and how you move forward, I think.

In my opinion, these discontinuities in life force you to be at your best and offer limitless opportunity. It's an exciting time...open water ahead of you, lots of fuel in the tank, and you get to draw the charts!
Another similar story as others. I have been my own boss since I was 23. My first business went south because of changing times after 17 years and I had no clue what to do next. It is amazing how a new door will open ( altho it can be agonizing till you find the 'key' (sorry..couldnt help it) but necessity is the mother of invention too ) I went into a completely new field and I have grown 10 fold in the past 20 years. And just as Im reaching a point of thinking about retiring, now it looks like the government is going to ruin all that Kreole Kid and I have built up. ( wont get into the political rant today) I still wouldn't give up owning my own business and I have already begun looking for the 'next' one as our future looks very shaky. You are creative, obviously hard working and have a good head on your shoulders. Seek advice from others, decide a path to follow, one foot in front of the other and in no time I believe you'll be asking yourself why you didn't actually do it sooner. You have what it takes to make it. Best of luck to you!
Dang Todd! I'm sorry to hear about this...but I agree with everyone else...When a door closes, a window opens! Good luck to you sir, a man of your stature will surely prosper to whatever his endevors may be!
If there's something to be learned by your layoff don't ignore it but don't mope? around wondering 'why me'. That's a nasty trap you must avoid. Hang with some positive people, keep busy and move on.
I am in the lumber and building material business and this economy has hit us the hardest. I have many folks I have known for the past 25 years in your shoes and I will tell you what i have told them... opportunity will come your way. Stay positive and best of luck.. job prayers on the way..
Was thinking this morning about your situation this morning. I have had a lot of problems getting keys cut for my sliding door on my boat. I assume others have the same problem. Perhaps you could start a lock and key service for boat. It could be both mail order and on site. Mail service could be Mail me your existing key and I will cut you one that works. Or if you have lost both your keys mail me your lock. "I will direct you how to remove it" and I will service your lock and make you new keys. On site work could be ' Will come to your boat and cut you new keys or will service your lock" Would be happy to be your first key customer. How does $25 sound per key I need 2. I can mail you an orignial. Cost of start up is small for this type of work. PM if you are interested.
Was thinking this morning about your situation this morning. I have had a lot of problems getting keys cut for my sliding door on my boat. I assume others have the same problem. Perhaps you could start a lock and key service for boat. It could be both mail order and on site. Mail service could be Mail me your existing key and I will cut you one that works. Or if you have lost both your keys mail me your lock. "I will direct you how to remove it" and I will service your lock and make you new keys. On site work could be ' Will come to your boat and cut you new keys or will service your lock" Would be happy to be your first key customer. How does $25 sound per key I need 2. I can mail you an orignial. Cost of start up is small for this type of work. PM if you are interested.

Yes I've a few here locally and a couple for others around he country. Some of the challenges are that Bomar discontinued the line and find parts will be tough. I can. Certainly help when and where in can.
Thanks again for All the kind words. Hopefully I get it all going soon. I'm working on it.
Was thinking of you this past weekend at the boat show in Seattle. Sorry to hear of your situation. You seem like a stand up kind of guy and hope you turn lemons into lemonade. I wish you the best of luck!

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