Latest info on current gas prices

Fueled up today near Cincinnati, Ohio. I say $3 by June!

seen everything from 3.89 to 4.39 today on the northside of Indy
Remember the Obama plan to punish Iran for working on nukes is going into full swing soon if the other countries cooperate. I'm thinking 5 bucks a gal by the end of July.
^= I thought sanctions don't work?

The people who really know how international relations work have more of a "get tough" attitude, which presumably means direct military action. Yeah. . .that will bring prices down!
The Obama is even threatening sanctions against countries that don't properly participate in the sanctions against Iran. The idea of cutting oil purchases from Iran is supposed to create economic pressure to the point they'll be more willing to communicate on the nuke issue. This would be a sizable portion of their oil exports to a list of their big customers. This volume of oil will have to be found elsewhere on the market. Obama says oil prices shouldn't be affected. This is a lot of does he figure it won't push prices up when he recently turned a little dab loose from the strategic oil reserves claiming it would bring prices down.

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