Interesting read on the proposed health insurance "mandate"

Wow. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up in the Supreme Court.
Couldn't they get around making a law that you must buy insurance, by creating a new "Health insurance tax" like Medicare, which would be taken from all 1040 wages?
The Constitution is our last, best hope in stopping this Health Care takeover. The primary purpose of the Constitution was to limit the power of the government so that it would not infringe upon the rights of the individual. As the referred article says, forcing someone to buy something (insurance) that they may not want to buy is beyond a doubt, unconstitutional.

The problem with the liberals is they see the Constitution as a "living document". They believe that it changes over time, allowing the role of Government to expand beyond what the Constitution allows. They see this as something "magnificent" that our Founding Fathers would be proud of. I believe that the Founding Fathers would consider how their painstaking work in carefully crafting a document that was meant to clearly and completely define the role of government and defend the rights of individuals has been (mis)"interpreted" to be a colossal failure of epic proportions. If they could have had a glimpse of what we have done with it, I believe that they would have kept writing.

The 3rd American Revolution (counting the Civil War) is coming. There will be a conservative government elected. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Obama are going to be the catalysts. Those of us who are only Republicans (there... I admitted it) because they are the only "conservative" party are going to revolt and take back the party back. It started today. Here's the first shot in that revolution -> The Republican Party nominated an anti-life incumbent assemblywoman that had voted more than once to raise taxes as their candidate. The conservatives finally put their foot down and said "NO!” She dropped out of the race, and the independent conservative candidate will now be the Republican candidate. This is going to put the fear of God into the rest of the Republicans. There is a clear message here. We ain't gonna take it any mo'.

There will have to be a 3rd Continental Congress whose function it will be to a) review all of the Supreme Court decisions ever made to decide whether or not each was correct according to the words and intent of the Constitution as read by the average American, and b) amend the Constitution to further define the limits of the government based on the knowledge of how government has expanded beyond its intended role.

The 2010 and 2012 elections are going to be the years in which we find out if the country will ever see its 250th birthday. If Obama maintains control of the House and Senate beyond 2010, and gets re-elected in 2012, we are sunk. We will be on the road to self destruction, and this country as we know it will be gone by 2025.

Just watching CNN's spin on 1 of the reasons why health care is so expensive, not because DR practice defensive medicine, ordering all these un necessary test in case they get sued, but because patents demand all these test and the Dr give in. It looks like they are trying to deflect the need for tort reform??

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