I think the media is killing our economy

That's the job of leadership. Ronald Reagan was a leader and made it happen. Osama is... well he isn't a leader.

+1 he certainly is not a leader by any stretch...

Just a sheople pleaser
he reminds me of what I see as a southern minister... (sorry to any southern ministers out there) he whips the audience (his sheople) into a frenzy saying a lot of words about nothing. (watching his ministry in action in Indiana right now on FoxNews) And they're all saying "Hallelujah, praise the lord, osama the highest"

Holy sh... crap! This guy is totally clueless about recent history, economics, business, and probably everything else including what to do with his dinky.

Select quotes:

House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D.-Mass.) said yesterday that an unregulated “private market” in the financial industry caused a lot of problems that the Democratic Congress now needs to fix.

Frank said that a top priority for future use of the $700 billion in bailout money that the Congress appropriated last fall for the financial industry should be to reduce foreclosures on home mortgages.

“First of all, the most important thing to do--and there's an enormous contrast here between the Bush administration and the Obama administration--is reduce foreclosures,” said Frank.

...you're going to see from the Obama administration is an effort to put substantial money into reducing foreclosures both because they are damaging socially, but even more important because, macro-economically, until you reduce foreclosures you don't begin to get out of the problem.”

“In fact, Bill Clinton--the most successful economic period we've had recently in America was after Bill Clinton got many of us to vote to raise taxes on upper income people,” said Frank. “And in fact we did that in '93, and no Republicans voted for it. We didn't get any bipartisan help then. We, in fact, had a very successful economy for, for the, for the rest of his term.”

Apparently Barney forgot the tax cuts that quickly followed Willy's tax increase.

Doesn't look good. Right? But it gets better. See this.

“Senator, you said about the House bill that in fact they did bloat it up with some spending, and they provided ammunition to Republicans to shoot this thing down and take over some of the political argument. Is that still what you believe?” David Gregory, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” asked Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.).

“I do think that there was some spending in the bill that was makeup for a starvation diet under the Bush administration, some important priorities of our party; frankly, of the American people,” said McCaskill. “And the question is does it belong in the stimulus bill or does it belong in the appropriations bill? I think some of the money that we cut in the compromise to get the votes that we, that we have was, in fact, spending that more appropriately should go in an appropriations bill.”

In 2000, the year before President George W. Bush took office, total federal expenditures were $1.78 trillion, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget. This year, the last budget approved under Bush--total federal expenditures are expected to be $3.1 trillion—not counting whatever amount the Congress approves for a stimulus package.

Under the “starvation diet” imposed by the Bush Administration, the annual federal budget grew by 1.32 trillion.

Here's an example of what McCaskill must consider as people who are on a starvation diet. Poor deprived things.
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Where I am employed the president and CEO sent out a prelude message to expect layoffs today. How many and when is unknown, but total employment is just a bit under the 4500 mark. :smt009
I agree with Gary. Having just attended the Vancouver Boat Show, I found brokers and other vendors quite upbeat about the turnout (up 3% over last year) and boat sales. My Vancouver broker sold 3 boats in the last 2 weeks and 2 units at the boat show.

The media seems to thrive on bad new stories of any kind, the more sensational the better. Talk Radio is the worst offender, raising topics which are pre-disposed to illicit negative reactions. This results in a great many ill informed morons calling in and participating in the negative frenzy. Naturally, this is the target demographic for Talk Radio. As with other media, Talk Show hosts are incapable of or uninterested in intelligent moderation of the discussion.

Witness the staggeringly biased coverage of Iraq by the media.

I also believe the media likes to pick on boat dealers and high end car dealers, especially when sales are down. They frame the news piece as "the rich being down in tough times", as this plays well with "working men and women" or whatever proletariat audience they are targeting. People who are not boaters don't realize the majority of boaters are "working families" and not the fat cats the media portray in the news. Clearly, many boaters are successful in their careers, and their success has not resulted from whining about the economy. Most people don't want to hear this.

So I say screw the media. Challenge their "facts" and conclusions; very few of them know what they are talking about. As Fat Cats, we owe it to ourselves.
Everyone needs to talk about how bad things are, then when things begin to improve Mr, Obama will be a hero. In good times the Congress could never get the "Stimulus Package" passed as it would not be needed. Given we say that 5% unemployment is "normal" 7.5% is not all of that bad. I guess if you are one of the 2.5% things are not good, but all in all, I talk to a lot of people who are busy.

Mr Salt
2001 540 CPMY
Caterpillar C-12s
Cape May, NJ

Frank, will you be bringing your friends to Atlantic City? If you do, you will automatically qualify for a spot on F-Dock.
CNN is litereally across the street from me. Everyday on my way to work they have a crew out front doing on the street interviews. Everyday I stop and try and do one. I've done a couple so far but they never air it. About 10 seconds into my rant, you can see on the producers face that this is not going to be used. I love it.
CNN is litereally across the street from me. Everyday on my way to work they have a crew out front doing on the street interviews. Everyday I stop and try and do one. I've done a couple so far but they never air it. About 10 seconds into my rant, you can see on the producers face that this is not going to be used. I love it.

The Communist News Network ranks as one of the worst culprits to exploit bad news stories and provide biased coverage. Jack Cafferty epitomizes the "negative" talk show host, even though he is never required to moderate the rants i.e. he simply cherry picks the most "entertaining" responses and reads them on air.
CNN across the street? I thought CNN was based out of Atlanta? Did you get smart and move south?(Grin)
iHaha, I wish. The NYC branch is in the time warner building. So when the Palestinians Want to have a march or a rally, The do it right down my street because that's where the news stations are. Lucky me.
You have got to love them(Grin). Ever time I've seen them doing a poll/interview if the person does not agree with the interviewer they run off to find somebody that will, what a joke.

I guess that was marketing 101 find 9 out of 10 people/doctor/etc that will agree with you. (Grin)
Look at this boat show report:


The stupid ass reporter uses phrases like "boat sales have capsized and are down 9%" and words like "tanked" and what not... but the data and interviews don't show that. The Sea Ray people said unit sales were up 20% from last year and another dealer said suprisingly people are out buying boats etc etc...

I think the "headline makers" are hyping any piece of info they can get regardless of what it is and making it sound bad. There was an article in our local paper that said "Housing Prices Fall Off a Cliff: Prices down 9% year over year"

You've got to be kidding me... they are up 300% over the last 5 years and down 9% last year in this market? YIPEE!!!

Fire these people!!!! the economy will recover then.

Why are you watching the Knoxville news?

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