I love my Sea Ray but....

I must say, the happy times with motorcycles (dirtbikes) is a lot more consistent then the boat.
Good exercise and a good adrenaline rush

The boat is never ending thinking of the next upgrade.
Always checking everything out closely.

The bike is always good and ready to go.
New rear tire once a year. Clean the air filter twice a year.

Adding some cleats to the boat today, some glass work, reinstall some bulkheads, check the new hot/cold fresh water wash down, glass in some lumber for adding bilge pumps. Fire the engine up, hoping to not have a collapsed lifter. Splash the boat next week. Confirm the lifters are fine.
Before she goes on the multi day runs.

Hopefully get some of this done early.
So I can hop on the dirtbike and go for a good ride before work tonight. I can wash it next month.

You couldn't have said it better Tail. An adrenaline rush that sits in my garage that can be available immediately. I thought when I bought my quad this year that that was a rush, especially out in the snow. But there is no comparison when you're on a V-Rod. Actually thinking about selling my quad now!

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