I am not going to any event during the summer!

Right on !
"I hope you respect my position, as I respect yours selecting a date that ruins everyone’s summer weekend plans which everyone is dreading going to anyways"


I'm traslating your letter in Italian right now!!!
I saved a copy….I tell all my relatives that starting from the end of June till the end of August, we don’t go over the Bridge on weekends…….
Perfect!! This is exactly what I was looking for a few weeks ago. I called mine "The Memo" and I would send it out to all of my friends annually just in case they forgot all about my summer program.
That second to last line could be taken a little offensively. I could probably use the letter up until that point though!!
I leave that line out too! It would be offensive! Most people kid around about it and say "we are not inviting you because we dont want to get that dreaded letter"! They all know!!
That's funny. We have many non-boating events on the schedule this summer, including two weddings (one of which is GW's daughter) that will entail us spending about 10 days in Seattle and Whidbey Island. I wouldn't miss her daughter's wedding for the world. The other--I could take it or leave it, but we'll end up going.
That's funny. We have many non-boating events on the schedule this summer, including two weddings (one of which is GW's daughter) that will entail us spending about 10 days in Seattle and Whidbey Island. I wouldn't miss her daughter's wedding for the world. The other--I could take it or leave it, but we'll end up going.
You and the Admiral had better plan on a dinner with us when your up here!
John, perfect copied , downloaded, and forwarded ( to boating buddies) they love it too. Thanks and funny as hell.
love it. We've slowly dropped the hints over the past few years but sadly I think some people need a letter!
My niece is getting married July 21st. Another one of my brothers and his wife are throwing a couples shower for her on June 9th. That combined with my sons travel lacrosse eats up a total of 6 weekends of the summer. Wouldn't miss any of those events so we are trying to carefully plan vacation time so that we can enjoy the boat!

One question. If you should die is it okay for your family to miss your funeral so they can go boating? :huh:
My niece is getting married July 21st. Another one of my brothers and his wife are throwing a couples shower for her on June 9th. That combined with my sons travel lacrosse eats up a total of 6 weekends of the summer. Wouldn't miss any of those events so we are trying to carefully plan vacation time so that we can enjoy the boat!

One question. If you should die is it okay for your family to miss your funeral so they can go boating? :huh:

Wouldn’t bother me…I’d be dead.:grin:

I never missed any of my kids travel games on weekend, they are done now and so am I.
copied and already used for a wedding invitation....from a non-boater

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