How much time to you spend at "cocktail speed" vs on plane?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
Tri Cities, WA
Boat Info
Boatless in WA
No motor
I see a lot of questions and comments on here about running at WOT or running on plane. That led me to wonder how much time (as a percentage) you spend running your boat on plane vs running at hull speed or "cocktail speed" as I've heard it referred to.

When I bought our boat (2010) I was told that I should run the engines at 80% throttle about 20% of the time. I probably don't run at 80% that often, probably more like 10% of the time.

What say you?
95% cocktail speed
5% on plane
I think we're close to 50/50. During the day we're on plane to get to anchorage, beach, bars, etc. At night I don't run on plane since we don't have radar so the trip back is always cocktail speed.
Depends on the weekend. If I am fishing, maybe 2 hrs on plane getting to and from and moving around, and 4hrs at idle trolling each trip. If I am heading out on a non-fishing trip more like 50% on plane, 50% cocktail (in no wake or low wake zones). If its a really calm day and I can travel outside routes (open Bay rather than the slower, more protected inside) then more like 75% on plane. Virtually never at WOT except at take-off until on plane.
FM at helm: hull speed....or something kinda sorta like it. He hasn't been open to input about combining engine trim/trim tabs to find the sweet spot for a smooth ride on plane.
Me at helm: aiming to be on plane.

If I achieve my objectives, we'll be an 80/20 split of plane/hull because our lifestyle is nearly 100% on the hook/rafted. Plane speed from point to point, changing to hull speed to avoid waking other boaters. (We don't travel after dark.)
I'd say I'm 80/20 plane/cocktail. When we go out it's usually to go somewhere, every now and again we'll do a little sunset cruise at cocktail speed.
98% Trawler - faster than idle but definitely not plowing
18-1900 RPM = 8 to 10 GPH total
5 miles tops to typical beach, sandbar, restaurant, or music venue.
45 seconds to 1 minute from dock to open bay
(which is why I secretly yearn to convert this boat to hybrid or all electric!)
On plane for me is 3100rpm maybe 20% at this time I push her harder to open secondarys 35 to 3800
slow comfortable speed is 2000 to 2300 70%
drinking speed is easy 0 rpm 10%
90/10 I like to get where I'm going so I can have a drink that much faster..
98% cocktail speed here. If I wanted to get places fast I would own a boat with an 8.5' beam and a fancy paint job...
I would say 80-90% at 1000 rpm. 10% at 1750rpm just to spool turbos and really heat up the engines. 1-5% WOT to verify temps and make sure I can reach WOT Speed and RPM.

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90% on plane. Then drop the anchor. Then we hit cocktail speed.
Unless I'm running the mile or so in the river into or out of my marina or getting the engines to operating temperature, I am on plane.
85% of the time on plane 75-90% on The RPM range....To get to where were going.
15% No wake zones...and the occasional....Look theres wild life, lets go check it out speed.
Idle is 600 rpm's = 6.2 mph( 1.1 gph ea). trawler speed is 800 rpm's =10mph (3.5 gph) I drift between 800-1000 depending on current to maintain 10mph I have learned to go slow I only "jump up" 1800-1900 rpm =23 mph (17.5 gph) at the end of the day to blow out the turbos.
I don't know. It varies. On long multi day cruises to Florida and back the amount of time on plane is based on a destination and time goal for the day. And when conditions are pristine (calm water, no blow boats clogging up the ICW) I goose it because it feels so good to be cruising fast on smooth water. Then my wife likes hull speed so I do that a bunch so she will enjoy the boat.

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