How do you deal with a text-a-holic?

I think your relative is being rude.

You should explain to your rude relative that you are billed for these useless texts AND you don't read them. If they don't take that hint. . then there are other problems that need to be addressed.

I am also not a texter, but I do use and get them occassionally. Most often when overseas. . .(I bill these to my company)
I would be out of business if it weren’t for my crackberry. E-mails, voice mail, texting, talking, GPS, and viewing attachments are used most everyday. I do try to leave it in a utility compartment when on the boat unless I'm working from it.

I do not text those who wish to be called and I do call those who are family and close friends. I don't text well wishes as it seem cold like giving a gift card instead of taking the time to know what a person wants and buying it however there are times when gift cards are practical.

It drives me crazy to get abbreviated words however I know that many are charged by the number they use.

All in all it's the way it is and isn't going away anytime soon.

Do you use BB Msg (BlackBerry Messenger. if so my pin is 24CB7AE)

Yes I too when away from my desk or office use my BB for everything work related. I do have the laptop with me and on the boat, byt the BB is just so much easier. And of course using the BB to tether my laptop for internet where there is no WIFI rocks.
What I can't stand it the use of technology for meetings, receptions,fundraisers. Why can't we stay with printed material or chalkboards? :huh:

Lol...I'm pretty sure I can speak for both Presentation and myself on this.......we need the technology to stay in as many meetings as possible.....:grin:
Do you use BB Msg (BlackBerry Messenger. if so my pin is 24CB7AE)

Yes I too when away from my desk or office use my BB for everything work related. I do have the laptop with me and on the boat, byt the BB is just so much easier. And of course using the BB to tether my laptop for internet where there is no WIFI rocks.

You go girl.
I tether Sweden, Korea and others when traveling. The nice thing is, I can send a text to my guy's in Sweden in the evening, he receives it and works on the problem while I'm sleeping, then I get my answer back as a text the next morning. I then formulate an e-mail to the dealer and answer him back before he was breakfast.

I have messenger but don't know how to use it yet. I'll give it a shot with your pin.

W2F. The chalk board is hard to use when conferencing from overseas. Many times it comes back smudged from shipment.
We tried printed material but it ends up lookin like this:
Med vänliga hälsningar or 감사 합니다.:lol:
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My opinion to the OP -

I think rather than resist the technology, embrace it. I'm sure you grew up watching B&W TV. At one point they offered the blue/green/red 'stick on' velum pieces that turned your TV into a 'color' tv. Eventually they went to a true color tv. You embraced that path I would assume? Would you go back to B&W? How about cable tv? Did you embrace that transition? How about to DTV? Could you ever go back? Maybe for your next boat related question, you could just call the dealer or some local shop instead of posting a thread up on this board? Oh ****, the shop is closed for the weekend or the holiday? I guess the boat will sit until you can get some advice. That would make it really 'old school' huh? You could even go back to a 28.8 modem. You'll get surperb results over the phone line. Just when you're about finished posting your question or downloading that mp3 (what no cassettes or 8 track anymore?), that 28.8 modem will disconnect and you'll have to start all over. Damn!

Embrace it my friend.... it will pay dividends for ease of communication with family, friends, co-workers, etc. Less time on the phone means more time boating, right?

Lol...I'm pretty sure I can speak for both Presentation and myself on this.......we need the technology to stay in as many meetings as possible.....:grin:

I forgot about you as well. I did an online training meeting last year and it was great. Instead of me flying out of town for week, I got up and went to my home office to sit in. I think I got more out of it as I wasn't tired from the long dinners and late night drinking. Plus I could text anytime I wanted since my boss wasn't sitting across the table from me!
I don't text. It's slower than a spoken conversation and more limited than email. There is no logical reason for texting to exist except that children (who now have stunted social and communication skills) think it's cool. People who have my cell number know that if they send me a text message, it'll be ignored until they are mass deleted, unread, from the blackberry. People don't like to be ignored. So it works and there are simply no arguments.
There have been some strong opinions for texting and against texting. I am somewhere in the middle, believing that texting has its place but, like email, is often overused or used improperly. Texting is great when you need to convey a quick thought, answer a time sensitive yes/no question, etc, and a phone conversation is impossible, not required, or not desired. I do not believe in ongoing text conversations; only quick questions, answers, or important information. I resisted texting completely at first but gave way to its benefits for the situations I described.
How about after you have told the person you don't want to text that you just ignore future messages. Unless he's a real dunce he will soon get the message, and it won't be in text!
I don’t like texting. There, I said it.

I don’t like getting them and it’s extremely unlikely you will get a text reply from me.

No, I don’t want you to text me an update about your life, have you text me Merry Christmas or Happy New Years.

I have spent some time Googling and reading about texting etiquette. These are made by the cell phone companies. Surprise, surprise, nowhere do they say to not text people that don’t want to be texted.

After one person sent me several texts that were not to me, general type texts that I think were sent to everyone in their phone book as if texting is a alternative to facebook or a tweet, two other things I don’t care for but I can choose to not participate in those, I called the person and said to them “I’m not into texting, please call me whenever you need to reach me but please do not text me."

To say then conversation did not go well is an understatement.

I’d simply bock them but it’s an all or nothing thing. If I block them they cannot call or text. My cell carrier, Verizon, does not offer text blocking, they offer number blocking. Since they are family I am afraid that would cause even worse issues. It may come to that but I’m seeking a softer and kinder suggestion.

Some people into texting seem to not get it that some people like me are not into texting.

So, does anyone have advice on how to deal with text-a-holics that send unwanted texts?

Not sure about your area but I have all text blocked on my verizon phone. It does not block anyone from calling me just text messages.

Sometimes the customer service rep you talk to is incorrect. Call back and talk to another one. :thumbsup:

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