Happy Veterans Day to all the vet's around here

A little late to the thread. Thank you to all of those that served, we are forever in your debt. You all have my utmost respect. My Dad did a tour in Korea. The only thing he would ever tell me was that was how he paid for college. He grew up dirt poor and he was 100% certain education was the way out. He was right.
God Bless our veterans and their sacrifices, and God Bless the USA. No matter how upside down it is right now, still the greatest country in the world.
Addendum. As highslice said, don’t ask me how this worked, but after Korea my dad bought/build a house. $83 a month. Paid for by the GI Bill. 25 years later he inherited money from my moms parents, and they bought a really nice waterfront home. The man has never had a house payment. Now I know how he always drove big new cars. Kind of funny.
If you want to know about the ‘Forgotten War’ read about The Battle of Chosin Resevoir. Those guys were able to pull a lost cause out of their ass and prevailed. Sheer guts.
PS. Its kinda a oxymoron to say “Happy Veterans Day” to those who sacrificed so much, died, wounded, mentally incapacitated. I think Thank You but thats seems so empty too. So I just wont say anything because there are no words to express my gratitude for those that did so I didnt have to and leave it at that.
Mydad won Bronze Star with the V in Korea. I guess I don’t have point. I’ll just shut up now.
Pirate Lady, no need to shut up when you're talking about your dad. I think it's pretty cool.

It's funny, I served, but don't celebrate it. Never wear shirts or hats or whatever that mention my service. Not sure why. I think maybe it's because I never saw any "action"; spent my overseas tour in Alaska fighting salmon and caribou.

I guess I feel that pales in comparison to guys who were in Nam and had to really fight. My hat's off to them as they deserve our thanks more than I do.
Pirate Lady, no need to shut up when you're talking about your dad. I think it's pretty cool.

It's funny, I served, but don't celebrate it. Never wear shirts or hats or whatever that mention my service. Not sure why. I think maybe it's because I never saw any "action"; spent my overseas tour in Alaska fighting salmon and caribou.

I guess I feel that pales in comparison to guys who were in Nam and had to really fight. My hat's off to them as they deserve our thanks more than I do.
And got treated like shit for it. At least people now appreciate service.
And got treated like shit for it. At least people now appreciate service.
I am very thankful to all our vets. I never understood hearing how those coming back from Veitnam were treated so badly for so long. I have a few in my life I am very proud of. My dad, I have a friend I trained in Martial Arts with that is a true badass from the VN era. I learned a lot from him. Another friend that spent 23 yrs in Navy was shot and stabbed and mentally struggling everyday and another friend that came home in a box from Iraq. The best way we could honor all these men and women is to tell the government to stop getting us involved in shit we don't belong involved in. I am late to this thread not sure why I didn't see it till now. Thank you for all you did for us.

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