EXPLITIVE continued... Over 3000rpms oil pressure drops under 10LBS Bluewater 454

That's the sweetest sound, I don't care what my neighbors think. (but I think they kinda like it too)

Purring away at in my buddys shop.

How many beers of supervision did this cost you?
Hey Alex,

Yes, She's fixed and had a fantastic prognosis. It was a crappy repair done in her past. Someone had an issue with the oil pump tube falling out of the pump itself. Someone did a poor job tack welding the tube to the base. Over time the area that was welded cracked. At higher RPMs the pump would start to draw in air which would drop oil pressure. We went through the rest of the engine to be certain and everything is barely broken in. Just checked out perfectly. My Mechanic went over the motor with a fine tooth comb and said she's good to go. Not even a speck of sludge in the bottom of the pan. I guess what I have been doing as far as maintenance has been good. I change my fluids religiously every 50 hours. I know that is often but I figure its cheaper to keep her over maintained then to have a major malfunction. The other good news is I was very pleased with the repair bill. (few cases of beer). We are going to pull the STBD side next year and give it a once over just to make sure it is in as good of condition and also replace that oil pump because it doesn't drop off but bounces. I would rather just get it surveyed. I had her pulled already as with school and the new position starting Tomorrow actually I figured it best to focus on those things. Next year though watch out. I plan on burning up some FUEL!

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