E15 is coming soon

This corn crap is just that crap! I do not run anything but pure gas in my boat, waverunners, lawn mower or weed eater. We must get rid of our current "green" president. He is a joke!
We MUST "Hope" for "Change". Nobody wants this stuff, NOBODY. Not us, not the enviro's, so who does want it? Well I embellished a moment ago as a small few do want it, who are they? The farm lobby and ethanol producers, ever see all the ADM ads on the Sunday political talk shows? The oil industry, they got billions of OUR dollars to mix this unwanted, by the public, fuel contaminant. Almost EVERY presidential candidate from both parties even if they did not previously support it, Iowa has too much power in selecting the nominees.

How did we get here? the Democrats pleasing the enviro's thought it seemed like a good idea and they could dole out favors to the auto, oil and farm industries at the same time, while Republicans paid back the oil industry, preened to farmers and showed they too care about the enviroment to enviro's. Depending on the report we were spending $5-6 billion a year of tax dollars, besides the actual costs in the marketplace, to use ethanol.

We must change the current mindset in Washington, of BOTH parties, to get the fuel we want. The direct subsidy to the oil companies has been stopped but the regulations requiring ethanol use have not.

Some reading from the conservative rag the "New York Times". (Linked below.)

"That’s not all. Ethanol packs less punch than gasoline and uses considerable energy in its production process. All told, each gallon of gasoline that is displaced costs the Treasury $1.78 in subsidies and lost tax revenue."

"Nor does ethanol live up to its environmental promises. The Congressional Budget Office found that reducing carbon dioxide emissions by using ethanol costs at least $750 per ton of carbon dioxide, wildly more than other methods. What is more, making corn ethanol consumes vast quantities of water and increases smog."

"Then there’s energy efficiency. Studies reach widely varying conclusions on that issue. While some show a small saving in fossil fuels, others calculate that ethanol consumes more energy than it produces."

"At long last, the enormity of the nation’s budget deficit has added momentum to the forces of reason. While only a symbolic move, the Senate recently voted 73 to 27 to end ethanol subsidies. That alone helped push corn prices down to $7 per bushel. Incredibly, the White House criticized the action — could key farm states have been on the minds of the president’s advisers?"




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