C'mon, Brandon, this sh!ts gettin' old


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
Tri Cities, WA
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Boatless in WA
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I consider myself a fairly knowledgeable, yet mainstream investor. My E*Trade portfolio has 32 different investments; mostly stocks, some mutual funds and no stock options. It's fairly aggressive but my tolerance for risk matches it.

But this kinds sux checking on the investments every day and just watching them keep drizzling down the rabbit hole.

Now I figure this can't be all Sleepy Joe's fault, or can it? I'd like to see him retire or something but then again, look what the hell we'd be stuck with--Kamala. I'm not sure that would be any better.

Your thoughts?
The market has been propped up by easy money and low interest rates. A lot of the gains have come from P/E multiple expansion and not from earnings growth. Now with inflation out of control, the fed will have to put us into recession to kill demand. Unfortunately they are late to the party and will over correct. Time to lighten up on equities.
These are paper losses and normal stock market gyrations reacting to Putin, oil prices, inflation, the Fed, blah, blah. Well diversified portfolios will do just fine over time. Bonds continue to pay yields and stocks continue to pay dividends. Well diversified portfolios, if liquidated Monday would show large gains. Not to say things will not get dicey if Russia invades, but you need to have a long view to be in the market. I would never not want to be in the market and have been buying large cap stocks in the US, Europe and Japan. They are on sale now.
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I don’t know shit about good money management. I own boats! But Harris is an idiot as is Green, Getz, the alphabet chick… AOC?, these people are psycho.
My take? Our choice is a guy who can’t surround himself with anyone intelligent because he wants to be politically correct; and a grifter con man.
400 MILLION people and this is our choice? I’m done voting except for state and local.
All I know is if I would have shorted every position rather than buy I'd be up about 70%.

My biggest bonehead move....buying AMC at 14, watching it goto 72 and never taking a single profit.

All my other purchases have been absolutely terrible....ATER, BBIG, DARE, PROG, etc. Literally down 70%.
Kind of the perfect storm. Market was very top heavy but Brandon hasn't helped it. In fact, kinda like kickin' a leg out from under a 3 legged stool. He has crushed this economy with his spending and with the rest of the world knowing he can't manage a card game they are all starting to take advantage of us, which puts the U.S. in a bad position, further hindering our economy.
Bonds continue to pay yields and stocks continue to pay dividends.

Check out the dividend rate on VALE. It's like you said, SBW, stocks continue to pay dividends.
Check out the dividend rate on VALE. It's like you said, SBW, stocks continue to pay dividends. View attachment 120433
The fundamentals are still good. Companies are making money and households have very strong balance sheets. Unfortunately, inflation will erode those profits and hurt consumers if inflation is not brought under control. This reminds me of the Carter years when inflation got so bad that jumbo, CDs had to pay 21% to attract bank deposits.
I'd normally say this is typical ebb and flow of the market but what has me being a little cautious is the rate that inflation is climbing and I don't see that slowing anytime soon with Biden spending money like he has been.
On another note, you guys know I'm heavily involved in day trading options and heard Friday that the consensus is there will be an announcement Monday that rates will be increased but also heard that every time rates have been increased the market has reacted positively so we will see.
All I know is if I would have shorted every position rather than buy I'd be up about 70%.

My biggest bonehead move....buying AMC at 14, watching it goto 72 and never taking a single profit.

All my other purchases have been absolutely terrible....ATER, BBIG, DARE, PROG, etc. Literally down 70%.
Don't forget to add your new boat to that list :p

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