Bravo 3 maintenance question


Aug 25, 2020
Ohio, Lake Erie
Boat Info
2003 Sundancer 300
Mercruiser with Bravo 3
So we have our Bravo 3 drives serviced yearly which this is what the marina states they complete.
-Change gear lube and pressure check drive
-inspect/grease prop shaft
-grease all fittings
-check alignment
-inspect drive

My question is when you change the gear lube do you not need to grease certain fittings?
Whenever we have had them do this, i can tell the cap for the grease fitting for the gimbal bearing has not been removed. So is there someway they got grease in somewhere else, or just didn't do it?
This also has me question if they've greased the U-Joints, and the engine coupler
Newer gimbal bearings are non-greasable. Is that what you have in there?
Some bearings and U-joints are sealed. Not sure what you have there. If they greased the input shaft before install that would be good enough for a season
Like Dennis said, newer gimbal bearing is no greaseable. They should be greasing the input shaft when they re-install, there is also a fitting on the coupler, it's hard to get to, so most people just grease the input shaft and call it done. Only other grease points are on the hinge pins.
You would have to pump grease into that fitting while observing where on the bearing the grease is coming out. If it comes out at the outer edge it's a sealed bearing.
Mercruiser going with sealed bearings is just another way to increase failures so they sell more parts IMO. The early Alpha One drives had grease fittings all over the place and those u-joints and bearings lasted forever.

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