Boat generator backfires, starts fire at Portman Marina

So, putting on my Monday-Morning (ok, Tuesday) football jersey:

He suffered burns from the backfire, so he was working on the genny and had the flame-arrestor off?
Been around a lot of generators and have not seen one do that with the flame arrestor on. He may have been working a fuel problem and was not careful with spilled fuel. Glad he is okay.
Someone, somewhere is going to use this as "proof" that a Honda on the swim platform is safer. :)

I hope everyone was well insured and got off their boats safely...
From watching that first video I think part of the problem with the fire traveling so fast to other boats is there is no vent in the roof for the fire to escape. All that heat has to go somewhere so it travels laterally along the dock, burning other boats as it goes.

One of the things I like about our docks is there is a vent that runs along the entire length of the roof. It's purpose is to vent any flames and heat upwards so it doesn't travel laterally.


Docks of this design are probably much more expensive than the style that burned but there are distinct advantages.
Hate to see this. Portman Marina has been there on Lake Hartwell for as long as I can remember - they used to be a SeaRay dealer. A friend used to keep a boat there. I don't know about lake Hartwell, but covered marinas (private docks are ok) are not even allowed on Lake Norman any more. Since Hurricane Hugo, the wind ripping the roofs off did so much collateral damage - old marinas can keep the roofs, but any new construction cannot be covered.
The way I see it, if a fiberglass boat catches fire next to yours, they're both going up in flames. There's just no way to combat the heat put off from a fiberglass fire as the resins burn too hot.

The only thing that could possibly slow the fire is if the boats were further apart.

Most fire departments just don't have the equipment to fight a marina boat fire. On the northern part of the Potomac, we have several fireboats capable of sending 1000s of gallons of water at a boat with the intention of sinking it. is the fastest (and safest) way of putting the fire out and keeping it contained. Unlimited supply of water + multiple nozzles + big pumps + water access makes it an effective weapon.

Ugh ..this is terrible. So many summer plans literally up in smoke. Poor them. At least no one else was injured or worse.

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