bc/bs obamacare shock hits

Here's the bottom line!....My wife cuts her thumb cutting onions while volunteering for a HS Marching Band fundraiser. The Emergency Room bill is $795 for one ounce of peroxide, liquid bandage, bandaide (no stiches) and a four hour wait. Talk about good service! The Insurance Company pay these bills, after my $100 deductible, and get raped by health care providers! My bill at Walmart would have been under $15 and I could repair 20 more cuts! Who holds these hospitals accountable in rising costs? My Mother In Law is widowed and on Medicare/Medicaid with heart problems and bad kidneys.....costs over a $100,000 a year for her healthcare and the room is full of other seniors getting the same care. It just can't cost that much! The providers are the problem and they keep building bigger hospitals every year and getting richer. I'm sure that the Hospitals Insurace Coverage is millions of dollars and part of the problem also. I refuse to go to the hospital except by ambulance if it gets that bad, Mike.
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Here's the bottom line!....My wife cuts her thumb cutting onions while volunteering for a HS Marching Band fundraiser. The Emergency Room bill is $795 for one ounce of peroxide, liquid bandage, bandaide (no stiches) and a four hour wait. Talk about good service! The Insurance Company pay these bills, after my $100 deductible, and get raped by health care providers! My bill at Walmart would have been under $15 and I could repair 20 more cuts! Who holds these hospitals accountable in rising costs? My Mother In Law is widowed and on Medicare/Medicaid with heart problems and bad kidneys.....costs over a $100,000 a year for her healthcare and the room is full of other seniors getting the same care. I just can't cost that much! The providers are the problem and they keep building bigger hospitals every year and getting richer. I'm sure that the Hospitals Insurace Coverage is millions of dollars and part of the problem also. I refuse to go to the hospital except by ambulance if it gets that bad, Mike.

I agree hospital prices are out of control but one other factor that contributes to this is people that don't pay and are not on Medicaid because they are illegal, too lazy to fill out medicaid paperwork, or don't qualify, etc.

While your finger is being stitched up, next door there is someone having X-rays and a cast put on for a broken arm. Upstairs, someone is having twin babies they can't afford. On the 10th floor, there is an illegal alien that got hurt and is on support and has been for the last 2 years. No family is around to make a final decision for this individual and his home country will not take him back. Guess What, none of these people are going to pay $1 of their healthcare bill.

Someone has to pay for all of these people to receive care and the result of that, in some part, is your $795 finger stitch.
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So this explains as part of the anointed one's 2012 tax debacle, why mortgage interest and state and local taxes deductions are to disappear. :smt013

I have a great idea lets let all of those who do actually pay taxes JUST quite and go on the dole. That way no one has to pay anything, and we are all in the same boat.

grrr.... liberals, politicians :smt013:smt013:smt013
I agree jason78.....why does illegal not mean illegal anymore? If you or I do something illegal, we would go to jail! This country is going to be bankrupted by those who don't pay or contribute to society. It does not pay to be too successful anymore or you carry the entire load of others. I work a $15 an hour full time job for Healthcare......and run my $60,000 company on the side. How crazy is that? My company was paying $12,000 a year in healthcare for my wife and two children.....I was not included due to small skin cancer issue I had years ago with no problems since. I am now listed as a cancer patient and turned down by 10 different insurance companies! My Cobra was $1,700 a month for me to be insured after my 25 year employer shut our dept down, that was very profitable. I bought all the equipment and started my own company! No matter how successful I am, one medical emergency could bankrupt me without insurance coverage....what a trap. If my wife goes full time with benefits, I'll quit my $15 job and focus just on my dream and successful company. Remember we were told by Obama that nobody's dream would be limited due to Healthcare coverage?.....It was a outright lie. I turn down some business because there are only so many hours in a day and my sanity and free time to boat is priceless.....So when do we start paying income taxes on company provided healthcare? I also pay 2% of my salary towards it but that's not much since I don't earn much, Mike.
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Jason78 pretty much summed it up. My wife is an RN at a hospital and the stories she tells just infuriate me. Those without insurance choose the ER for a cold, the flu, slivers and other non-emergent issues because they won't be turned away there. The neat thing is that medical costs will not go down as our insurance premiums go up. Once again, the middle class folks will get hosed.
This is not really a recent phenomenon:


While I agree there are added costs to provide coverage to those who don't have it courtesy of the state, the vast majority of cost increases are due to an aging baby boomer population that is fatter and generally less healthy than the previous generation. On top of that, more litigation with bigger settlements, a hypochondriac population that demands state of the art tests for the slighest ache and a system that ensures doctors, pharmaceutical firms, hospitals and every other stakeholder are lined up at the trough to profit.

The weird thing is, no matter what country you live in, nobody ever stops to ask for all the spending, why are people less healthy than the previous generation?

Bottom line is, we haven't even hit the peak yet. Wait until the boomers are in their seventies and then we'll REALLY be paying.
This has been covered very well before -> do a search.

If we are going to reopen the topic -> do it in the Holding Tank.

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