Battery replacement?

I have the same set up with 3 batteries. Two start and one house. I bought Wal-Mart batteries. 2 marine start and one deep cycle marine. The start batteries are almost 4 years old, I think I paid $38 each at the time and i will be replacing my house battery this week which is about 3 years old ($84). I considered two 6vdc golf cart batteries for house batteries, but they are about $110 each and I am not sure I have the room for them.

I do recommend you put any lead acid battery in a battery box.

I bought mine at Costco for around $80 ea.
What did each battery weigh? traditionally, marine batteries are a bit more robust so the plates do not break and short out do to the constant pounding they can tak eout on the water.
I believe the difference is that the marine have marine-style fittings for cable attachment, and cost about double (exaggeration).

The main difference is the vibration resistance of the batteries. The manufacturers assume that a boat will create more vibration (through the more solid mounts of engines) than automotive installations. In this case, they put more effort into making sure the batteries can withstand the vibration created and not fail prematurely. I wouldn't use an automotive battery in a boat for this reason.

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