1983 Sea Ray Sundancer REHAB 6 cabin completed.... WOOOOOOOOOW.....

Got to ask what's the cooler for? Ice bucket or live well? Not quite sure. Let's see the redo with a real video camera and some lights. Hope your first splash is a success.

I must say, after 189 posts you should know that duplicate threads are a bean grinder here.
Well, in fairness, he did only post in two separate forums this time, instead of seven, so that's improvement.

I had a kid pull up next to me the other day in while driving to the doctor. I heard him, actually before I saw him, as the bass thundering from his car was causing my rearview mirror to vibrate just like in Jurrasic Park when the Tyranosaurus approached. As he pulls up next to me, I casually glanced over to see this POS 1980 toyota, all rusted out, but obviously pimped out with a stereo system, the dude, looking smug, bouncing to the beat.....then his side view mirror fell off. (I ****e you not)

Why do I get that same image when I think of this thread?

HA HA, Thats funny. I like to get them behind me with their windows rolled down. I roll mine up and light up the tires filling their boom box with fresh burnt rubber. I may hear their tones but they are eating my rubber.

You can do the same thing with your outdrive. Back up to the offfender, trim up the props and let her fly. Oops didn't see back there.
Jealous of you having strippers IN your boat performing for you? HELL YEAH!
Gawwd! I think I just had a seizure! Of all the videos I have attempted to watch, thats still one of them. Next time throw the phone overboard, at least bubbles only go one direction!

P.S. can't wait for the next one!
Cooler temp thing, plan on doing something a bit different still not sure yet.

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