17.2 gph average for first two tanks - 2000 410DA 3126 CAT

Numbers are not adding up. Are you measuring speed with GPS? SOG? 2300 rpm equates to approx 21 knts SOG on GPS depending on wind and current. That is with full water and 3/4 to full tanks. Had props done this year and WOT close to 2825 rpm. Generator does not burn more than 1/2 to 1 gal per hour at worse case.

After reading this, I double checked my boat speed at 2100rpm. Its 21knots, or 24mph. Verified on both my RayMarine gear and smart phone GPS. At the time, my transducer recorded MPH and Raymarine C120 'SOG' were almost dead even, varying no more that .1 or .2 (tenths).

With an empty boat, fresh fuel filters, little water and <1/2 fuel I made 33-34mph at 2800 first run this spring, if memory serves. This trip, with two people, gear, full water, full tanks fuel load I can hold a solid 2700 at 31-32mph. My CATS are rated at 385hp...maybe our props are slightly different?
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news....again. You should be propped to hit 2800+ with people, gear, water and full fuel or however you normally use the boat.
Yeah I know. No 'bad news', just information, stuff to work on, and knowledge gained. There are two other variables in play today:

1) Still working algae out of tanks, and that means some restriction at filters that affects WOT rpms
2) See other post regarding starboard side list - it appears that I may have a wet core that would affect WOT rpms
Final trip numbers:

  • 500nm = 575 statute miles
  • 566 gallons fuel burned (1.01 mpg overall)
  • 39.3 hours underway (14.4 gph overall)

Probably could have been better as it appears I may have a wet core and carrying some uneccessary 'water weight'...
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Man, that sucks. Hopefully it's not wet coring. I know my holding tank level would affect the trim while on plane even though it was only 40 gals. Makes you think it is something drastic though if you can't counter the list by standing on the opposite side of the platform. Good luck and keep us posted.
yeah it was the same after filling both fuel tanks today, and emptying the waste tank. also the list is to starboard, and my waste tank is on the port.

whatever it is, big or small, it will be promptly repaired. its only happened recently, in the last 30-60 days.

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