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  1. M

    Blew a gasket today.

    Alright so,my redneck side came out today. I went to the party store to pick up the balloon order for my sons B-day. There was a lady in front of me. She wanted 20 ballons and wanted to know how much it would cost. The clerk told her the ballons are .89 a piece or a dozen for 8.99. She wants a...
  2. M

    Lets spread the wealth liberals! Very nice. To think, I spend over a hundred a month for my family to have wireless service. I could have been getting it for free. I know,its only 68 mins. a mo. but you get a free phone and can buy addl. minutes. IMO,if...
  3. M

    Seperation anxiety,how do you cope with it?

    Alright,so,I'm a wimp. We did our last cruise of the season today. After washing the boat,waxing it,winterizing it and covering it-I felt so sad. First boat,first season,its over. No more until next spring. Have some great memories and some not so great memories but all in all,we have loved...
  4. M

    Got my boat back today,me so happy.

    Well,its been about a month now but,finally got the boat back today. It also happens to be my birthday so it was kinda a b-day present. Took it out on the lake for a few hours today and it ran perfect. I'm so happy. When the outdrive let go I was really bummed. Its all good now. I,as...
  5. M

    Yay,my kids are Republicans!

    Ok, I know it sounds strange but, both of my kids(8 Y.O. boy and 14 Y.O. girl) convinced me that they are NOT liberal bleeding hearts. Tonight at dinner,we,as a family were discussing some political stuff. Some of the comments: Brandon;Dad,if someone is in our house in the middle of the...
  6. M

    Went to SML- Alpha 1 outdrive go BOOM!

    Man,went out to SML for a long weekend,took the boat. Put it in the water,was running perfect(don't they all before they blow?). Running about 45 and felt like the motor was leaning out. Backed off the throttle and got a WICKED vibration. Pulled it back to idle and something went"clang" and...
  7. M


    Hello,we are Mike and Jolie. I (Mikey-yeah I like it) will like ly do the majority of the posting but the wifey will likely post from time to time. Anyways, on to business. We recently bought our first boat. After much research we bought a 92 200BR. We have both wanted a boat for many...