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  1. Midnightsun

    DIY Holding Tank Vent Filter $cheap

    You know that unpleasant stench you sometimes get from the vent on your holding tank? Normally it happens when you least want it and this little device already proven to work extremely well as it can be purchased at West Marine for the ridiculous amount of $99...
  2. Midnightsun

    PWC Towing at High Speed

    I have a Yamaha VX Cruiser PWC that I would like to tow behind Midnight Sun. I have read quite a bit on various forums but still am a little confused. My understanding is the Bombardier (BRP) brand requires pinching off the engine water intake hose or you will flood the engine however on a...
  3. Midnightsun

    Newbie here

    Not at all a newcomer to boating though. Site looks fantastic and extremely helpful. Hope to be able to share my knowledge and learn from others here. I just love to modify and invent a better mouse trap as can be seen in the link to my pictures of my heavily modified Avanti. No it's not a...