5th Annual Dominic Annunziata Memorial Rendezvous -Farley State Marina, AC, NJ

Is Farley State Marina affected by the NJ state shutdown?
From the latest LNM

Shoaling has been reported in the New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway (NJICWW) between Manasquan Inlet and Cape May Inlet. Mariners are advised
to use extreme caution when transiting any parts of the NJICWW due to shoaling. The following are some of the locations where the shoaling has been
NJICWW Light 4 (LLNR 34995).
NJICWW Light 38 (LLNR 35115).
NJICWW Daybeacon 45 (LLNR 35165) & Daybeacon 46 (LLNR 35167).
NJICWW Daybeacon 49 (LLNR 35108).
NJICWW Junction Light LB (LLNR 35420) to Light 109 (LLNR 35430).
North side of Tow Island at NJICWW Daybeacon 129 (LLNR 35530).
NJICWW Light 145 (LLNR 35590) to Light 163 (LLNR 35655) Black Point on the red side.
Between NJICWW Daybeacon 206 (LLNR 35825) and Daybeacon 209 (LLNR 35835) IVO Bader Field.
IVO NJICWW Daybeacon 221 (LLNR 35867).
Between NJICWW Light 233 (LLNR 35905) and Daybeacon 243 (LLNR 3535945) Broad Thorofare.
IVO NJICWW Buoy 263 (LLNR 36007) and Buoy 263A (LLNR 36009) Shooting Island on the green side.
Between NJICWW Daybeacon 272 (LLNR 36035) and Daybeacon 282 (LLNR 36070) in Peck Bay.
Between NJICWW Light 383 (LLNR 36420) Daybeacon 399 (LLNR 36470).
Between NJICWW Buoy 417 (LLNR 36517) and Buoy 424 (LLNR 36535) Great Channel.
Between NJICWW Light 449 (LLNR 36625) and Light 453 (LLNR 36639) Grassy Sound. Ref LNM 24/17
Chart 12316, 12324
I have slip assignments. If you would like yours PM me and I can get it to you. Those of you who I have email addresses for I will send the assignment to you that way.
Have a great weekend guys!
Have a blast all! Enjoy a Cold one in honor of Dom for me please.
OK, slip arrangements have been settled, after some last minute changes. I believe everyone knows where he or she will be parked, but if you have a question please let me know. I have not been in contact with dsarge390 since early June. If anyone knows Kevin or, Kevin, if you're listening, please let me know you're caught up on all these details. Your new slip is F-63.

You must still radio the marina on channel 65 as you make your approach.

Plan on the Table of the Gods to start around 6pm on Friday.

Remember, you must bring an offering to the Table, or the Gods will frown upon you. Finger food and some kind of dessert is the price of admission.
This is a byob event, but everything else has been taken care of due to the generosity of our sponsors and Sea Ray. In attendance will be Shelby Kirby, Sea Ray Group's Director of Marketing. Sea Ray has been very supportive our our rendezvous and Shelby has been there for us for several years now - once again, this year, we have her to thank for our t-shirts.

Safe journey to all attendees!
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Sorry about the delay, I was on vacation, and "off the grid". Thank you for the updated slip assignments. See everyone Friday!!

Thanks for the reminder about the "offering"... Looking at the weather for Friday, night (6-7 PM), there is 70% chance of rain/thunderstorms... But as we all know, weather and elections are unpredictable...

Thanks to you and Rick for being our leaders...

Looks like we have window on Friday (9AM-4PM) with a low probability of rain... High tide at BI ad Absecon is 12 PM. We plan on departing our dock between 9-10 AM...
date change for the table of the gods. Moved to saturday evening. Weather too iffy for friday night. I have contacted everyone via email, text, fb messenger, carrier pigeon, telegraph, smoke signals.

As of now, the friday weather seems to be stable for the morning and early afternoon, so travel should be ok if you leave early enough. However, please keep an eye on the weather and don't do anything you are not comfortable with.
Stay Dry everyone, looks a little Snotty out there! We will see you around 1300 hrs on G Dock!

Missed you Ken.....my way of saying I missed Kathy but want to remain professional. Must admit it is difficult to remain professional around a gathering whom wanted for nothing but a good time, and of course it was a Great time !!

Ron & Rick, once again created a wonderful environment which brought SR owners together for the common cause....a party like no other!

I will close with my thoughts and allow the posse to post the real stories and pictures that would make any SR owner wishing they were there. Extremely appreciative I was allowed to attend now that you fella's have traded up from me...and I do not blame you for one second.

Thanks guys !

Capt. Rusty
Great seeing all the people that made Sea Ray Boating Enjoyable. From the BHSCA Crew to the Big Boat Crew and even.... well never mind!!

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