So you got yourself COVID vaccine. Think you can’t get COVID? Think again.

A pandemic of the undervaccinated.

These people are stupid and sick.

What's it mean when all the conspiracy theories come true?

And don't worry @tc410, no money with these videos....since they are on my personal page :rolleyes::rolleyes:
^^ Wait! Did I hear him correctly? They’re using military and trucks to excommunicate “close contacts” and Covid positive cases out of their homes?
^^ Wait! Did I hear him correctly? They’re using military and trucks to excommunicate “close contacts” and Covid positive cases out of their homes?

Nah, man. It's all a big conspiracy. Wait - that was a conspiracy in 2020...2021 it's happening and all of a sudden, the pro vax folks are silent...
My son is a bail bondsman and therefore has several other state licenses and is proficient in using all sorts of weapons.

He and his colleagues have been telling me that in the US there are construction sites being prepped for that very same use.

To separate the “infected” and “unvaxxed” in camps.

I’m not that crazy into conspiracies but …. if it’s happening in Australia… :eek:
We're all gonna die! Covid will kill us all!

Welcome back, sky is falling @Dani-Lu....
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I haven't been here (on this thread) in a while. Not much has changed I see. LOOK... Live your freakin lives anyway you want. Key word is LIVE. We are ALL going to get COVID. It is NEVER going away. Everyone on this planet eventually will get this! I have natural immunity. Checked every 3 months since I got COVID. Antibodies are increasing. NOT waning like the vaccine. Natural antibodies are T & B cell blah blah blah... I'm a carpenter. Not a doctor. My father died at 32 years old. Killed by a drunk driver. I still go in cars!. My best friends brother, when I was 11 was hit by a car in front of me and died. He was 7... Live your freakin lives/ Go to restaurants, the movies, a play (unless you live in NYC and have to show proof of Vaccine. F NYC anyway. I wouldn't spend a penny in NYC)
MY pennies worth. Happy Thanksgiving. BTW, I took CIVILITY out this past Friday. (sucks)
Hey horse paste guys…. So it is LESS EFFECTIVE than the vaccine…. Whoda thunk :D LMFAO

“Several infected after convention touting ivermectin”

USA Today. Great source :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Are those idiots still touting Russia, Russia, Russia?

Gotta say, you sure show your intelligence with that horse paste comment (and where you get your news..) regardless, have fun getting your booster(s) TC....:D

Btw.... your reading comprehension must suck today.... this is in the article you posted...

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USA Today. Great source :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Are those idiots still touting Russia, Russia, Russia?

Have fun getting your booster TC....:D

Btw.... your reading comprehension must suck today.... this is in the article you posted...

View attachment 116119
You antivaxtrumptards crack me up!! A quote could come from the Holy Bible and if it didn’t fit your rhetoric you’d throw the standard trumptard response “Great source” :rolleyes::rolleyes:

And yes, I read the article word for word. But since you 5 stooges are always posting shit that discredits your agenda, I thought I’d give it a try so you could see how stupid you look ;)
PS - Happy Thanksgiving guys!! How about a day off then we get back to busting each other’s balls on Friday?
PS - Happy Thanksgiving guys!! How about a day off then we get back to busting each other’s balls on Friday?

Happy Thanksgiving! But you realize this thread had died with no activity since Monday... until you posted....
I know science... Probably better than most... and I'll keep my job.

I don't have a dog in the fight. We do research, design, manufacture and sell medical devices to hospitals. In order for our sales and clinical teams to be in hospitals, they have to be credentialed and get a laundry list of vaccines and tests all the time. It's the nature of the beast. I don't make the rules and the rules were here even before covid. So if you want to work in Medtech, you have to be fully vaccinated or they just don't do business with you. My job description has nothing in it about "fight for social causes." What it does have in it is to build great medical stuff and sell it to hospitals. If you want to be on board, you gotta do what they say. I get letters daily now from hospital systems saying either the on-site employees from our company have to be vaccinated or EVERYONE in our company has to be vaccinated. You think I should stand up and fight and destroy the revenue that feeds the families that depend on this company? Get a clue. If the hospitals say everyone has to do 3 shots of moonshine every Friday... guess what's going to be in your job description?

You can call it hoax. You can blame Biden. You can blame Trump. You can blame rednecks. You can say the vaccine works. You can say the vaccine doesn't work. I just don't care. I have a medical business to run. You have to have to be fully vaccinated for covid. And the flu... and many other things. You may grow an extra penis and lose your eye sight. I just don't care. I have to follow the rules.
If it makes you loose your eyesight, at least you get an extra penis.

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