What's the best anchor type for mud bottom lake?

We had our boat about a week when we spent our first night on the hook. We found a cove dropped anchor, had an enjoyable evening. Before we turned in for the evening I thew a small stern anchor out and thought it had set. Go to bed and wake up the next morning with the sun coming in through the same window I saw the sun setting that evening.:wow: The boat had spun around facing the opposite direction during the night. Learned a few lessons on that one.

Texoma does have the "goo" bottom, what I figured out is, if the rode is touching the roller there is not enough scope. If the rode is in the upper third of the area and up to the loop above the roller the anchor sets and holds very well. I have red marks on the last 10 feet of the rode to let me know when I am about out of rode. I know it isn't exact science but it seems to work for me. I usually set a stern achor if I am going to be there awhile. I generally let out the front anchor out, set it, then continue backwards to where I can get enough scope on the stern anchor, throw the stern anchor out. If there is a crosswind it goes to the windward side of the boat. Go forward until the scope is right on the stern achor and snug them up. It has worked well so far and now have a GPS with an anchor drift alarm. :thumbsup:

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