Water System


New Member
Aug 20, 2006
I own a 2004 340 Sundancer. My water pump is working but the the water is sputtering from the faucets. what is the best way to bleed the system and make sure that air does not get in the system when I refill the tank?
Air in water system

Hi John, your water system shouldn't be getting air in it except if you run it dry, and even then it sould purge itself fairly rapidly. Sometimes between the tank and pump there is an inline filter that could be leaking air in when the pump runs. Or some other fitting could be loose on the intake side of the pump -- worth checking. Best wishes....
Be sure your tank has enough water in it first. Then go to the faucet that is the furthest distance from the pump and turn it on and let it run until it's no longer sputtering. Then move to the other faucets one by one and do the same.

I used to have a similar type of problem with the water system on my 240SD. I had four faucets and when I first tried using it after it had been emptied for winterization it would never seem to purge itself of air without some help. Another thing I would do if opening faucets didn't work was to take the sprayer head off the hose and with the pump running put the hose up to my mouth and start siphoning. (You can probably do the same with the shower sprayer in your head.) That did the trick if all else failed.

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