Two articles you need to read as you think abt who to vote for...

Well. . . I have no love for Democrats. However, the Republicans held both houses and the executive for 6 years. I can't recall what they did about our energy policy in those years.

Until people get serious about CAFE standards and building Nuke plants by the DOZEN, I remain unconvinced that anybody in the political class cares one whit about "national energy policy". Unless they find a way to personally gain power from it. . like a certain former vice president.
When Congress comes back, they will have had a change of heart on the offshore drilling, blah,blah,blah.
CAFE standards are a load of nonsense. 30 years ago, one could buy a full sized car that had room and power. They were regulated away. Now, in order to tow, have room and power I have to buy an SUV. So now I get worse fuel mileage because I need a truck to do what a car use to do.

Let the damn markets work. Dump CAFE and remove restrictions on where companies can drill. Make sure that they drill responsibly and not dump oil off-shore, but other than that, free them so that they can solve the problem -- which just happens to be profitable.

Best regards,
Heh. Last year, I was shopping for a car that can tow more than 1000 lbs. You know. . .load 1000lbs of mulch onto a 200 lb trailer. Simple homeowner needs. 2000lbs capacity would be enough for me. Only cars that I have found to date are Subaru's and Volvos. The Volvo salesman was SHOCKED to learn that you could tow with a Volvo.

Do you really think that this sad state of affairs is due to CAFE standards? I think it is simple marketing. If you beef up the few key components that allow a car to tow; (a) 95% of buyers who don't need towing won't pay a premium for tow capability, and (b) 95% of buyers who need moderate towing won't pony up an extra $5000 to buy a SUV that can tow when all they need is a car that can tow. So. . . it is a very easy decision to reduce towing capacity. You can cheapen up your cars, and force part of the market into more expensive SUV's.

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Does anyone really think that offshore drilling - by itself - is going to solve the energy issue? I would like to think there is more to the energy picture than putting up a few oil rigs. No. . the politicians are latching on to it merely because it is something *easy* to latch onto.

I do not believe any complex problem can be solved by simple political sound bite solution. And no. . .free markets are not a cure all either.

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BTW: I did not buy a Subaru or a Volvo. I don't want those cars. I don't want a SUV. I put in $1000 worth of repairs to my 10 year old GM car that can tow my 1200 lb trailer. But I am in the minority. Most of my friend's would've spent $30K on a SUV.
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What I cant figure out is whats so bad about "flip-flopping"? If W. had realized he screwed up and changed his mind, I think we would be better off now. Instead he held his hardline, had people lie for him on "how bad the situation really is" and now even more people are dead. This is only one example.

I like to have flexibility in my decisions for a better end, and If that means admitting I was wrong, or I base my decision on available data and new data has emerged, I think it is imperative that I change my position. To hold on to a dead position would be stupid. :smt021

Maybe someone else can shine more light on this, and I will gladly flip my position. :huh:
the Republicans held both houses and the executive for 6 years. I can't recall what they did about our energy policy in those years.

Bill Clinton vetoed an offshore initiative when he was prez.

Does anyone really think that offshore drilling - by itself - is going to solve the energy issue?

of course not, but this bill was very comprehensive and it included a slew of "solutions" to help ease our dependence on islamo-facist regimes.

whats so bad about "flip-flopping"?

it's bad when you have absolutely NO value system of your own - you just go along with whatever the prevailing sentiment is, just to get elected. it's what makes a politician somewhat akin to a whore. ask your politician these questions... "what do you stand for? what are your TRUE core beliefs? should i give you my vote and trust you?"
it's bad when you have absolutely NO value system of your own - you just go along with whatever the prevailing sentiment is, just to get elected. it's what makes a politician somewhat akin to a whore. ask your politician these questions... "what do you stand for? what are your TRUE core beliefs? should i give you my vote and trust you?"

I can agree with that, but what do you call someone who will take a position that is against their values simply because it is the right thing to do? I have my values but just because they work for me, doesnt mean it works for the general population. Serving in the military I had to get used to doing things I didnt agree with for the greater good.

I do admit though, it would be refreshing if politicians made it clear when they have to make that kind of decision, instead of acting like they held that position from the beginning.
is it time for a revolution - I'll volunteer for the sea ray navy :huh:

ever read about John Titor ?

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