Striping replacement- paint or vinyl?

A few months ago i removed the stripes off of my 83 SRV 225. I used a "3M Stripe off Wheel" that I got at an auto supply store. The tricky part is to keep the RPMs under control because if it spun to fast it would burn the hull. It worked pretty well but was time consuming. I replaced the stripes with new vinyl stripes and am pretty happy with it. It just took some patience to get them strait. Good Luck
I work in sales for a sign supply distributor and although the 3M wheel is a great tool, it does require a lot of work and a careful, steady hand. There is a product called Vinyl-Off that is a citrus based (green) product that does an incredible job of removing vinyl and striping, no matter how old it is. If you have any interest, just pm me and I will let you know how to get some of it. NOT a sales pitch, just a little bit of info on a product that may save you time, effort, energy, AND your gelcoat.

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