Seriously- what are these politicians thinking??

I'm a little confused. When anyone questions who Barney Franks sleeps is a private matter and no one's business. Clinton lying under oath was shouldn't have been an issue because it was just between him and Hillary. However, the main stream media doesn't seem to believe Republicans should get the same treatment.

I may be a bad independent, but my opinion of Clinton was not affected by his philandering. My opinion of pretty good conservative governors isn't either.
Uh... Barney's roomate was running a gay escort service out of his house...

Lying about anything under oath is a felony (and particularly bad when you are supposed to be the cheif law enforcement officer in the country)....

Cheating on your wife is... well... not good... but not illegal...

As far a Clinton goes, I think he was a pandering, slimy, corrupt, scoundrel. Cheating on his wife did NOT surprise me, OR change my opinion of him. It DID make me lose all respect for him as a man when he committed perjury after being caught. The CORRECT answer, when asked if he had sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinski, should have been "Yeah... I knocked the bottom out of it, and I enjoyed every minute of it.". At least at that point, it WOULD have been Hillary's problem instead of being an impeachable offense, and a national embarassment. But hey... that's just MY opinion...
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I lose respect for the women that don't kick these men out when they find out about their affairs.

I thought to get into politics it was required you have a mistress?

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