Rittenhouse case

The extreme left or right are all about Smoke Screens to pull their Bull Shit that only benefits their pockets. The Left scream Climate Change yet are okay with China importing United State's coal because we gave them all our Manufacturing. The Right is okay with any Ass Hole owning a fire arm but claims to by Pro life then forces their God down everyone's throat. Either of these extremes could care less about getting anything done because if they did it wouldn't be extreme enough.
I agree 2000%.
Oh the irony…. The same exact thing has happened to the Republican Party with the far-right lunatics taking over. Most right-of-center moderate republicans won’t vote for a democrat, they just won’t vote - which is why we will continue to have difficulty getting the White House for any length of time. Instead, the far right lunatics label them rinos and other insults, further driving them from our party.

I’m sure there are a lot of old school republicans rolling over in their graves as well….
Some of them that are not in their graves have the same view, including ex-Presidents. And then there are the worst slime-balls that privately have the same views, but don’t have the spine or moral integrity to actually say their views, because of fear of DJT initiating a public lynching. He has figured out a way to castrate the checks and balances on the President - which is by taking the fight out of the official system of checks and balances designed by your founding fathers. He fights them in the media that directly impacts their ability to get elected (or re-elected). Much more effective because there are no rules.
I just want the old days back where we complained about politics during an election year and worked together the other three years. Now it’s just non stop bitching and whining.
Only comment I have on all this is why do the same few on this site keep opening the same thread over and over again, with just a different title, and post the exact same thing over and over again, that has absolutely nothing to do with helping any of us improve the quality of ownership of our Sea Rays. You all are the definition of insanity.
Only comment I have on all this is why do the same few on this site keep opening the same thread over and over again, with just a different title, and post the exact same thing over and over again, that has absolutely nothing to do with helping any of us improve the quality of ownership of our Sea Rays. You all are the definition of insanity.
I agree. This should all be in the Holding Tank, not the Tiki Bar. Tiki Bar posts show up in "new posts" which we all use. Holding Tank (aptly named based on content these days) does not.
Oh the irony…. The same exact thing has happened to the Republican Party with the far-right lunatics taking over. Most right-of-center moderate republicans won’t vote for a democrat, they just won’t vote - which is why we will continue to have difficulty getting the White House for any length of time. Instead, the far right lunatics label them rinos and other insults, further driving them from our party.

I’m sure there are a lot of old school republicans rolling over in their graves as well….
I was not trying to speak for anyone else, just my experience.
I know what you said you mean. I wanted to see if you would confirm whether you agreed with what El Capitan said when he piled on to what you said. Read his post again. Do you agree with what he said?

Actually adding something. I have met extreme leftists. My sister is one. I totally disagree with her political views. We are civil and avoid getting into to it because we love and respect each other, but she is really far left and I am mid-right.

I completely disagree with the views of all of the far left democrats. All of them. And I totally understand the fear you on the right (I am not talking about far right) have that somehow an AOC or Bernie, or Warren would be President. But I don’t think that Americans (democrats included) will support a far left President. And firing up the far right is not going to unite America. Ever. Fight in the middle. Convert the mass middle-left and Republican values will prevail.
Define "the middle."
Only comment I have on all this is why do the same few on this site keep opening the same thread over and over again, with just a different title, and post the exact same thing over and over again, that has absolutely nothing to do with helping any of us improve the quality of ownership of our Sea Rays. You all are the definition of insanity.

Youre in the wrong thread then mate.
ZZ is just looking for a simple answer from the few that repeat themselves over and over.. Why? is the question. Got nothing to do with tuning in.
ZZ is just looking for a simple answer from the few that repeat themselves over and over.. Why? is the question. Got nothing to do with tuning in.
They’re indoctrinated sheep…. Like their supreme leader, they think if they say the same crap over and over it will become true.
Only comment I have on all this is why do the same few on this site keep opening the same thread over and over again, with just a different title, and post the exact same thing over and over again, that has absolutely nothing to do with helping any of us improve the quality of ownership of our Sea Rays. You all are the definition of insanity.
Similarly I wonder why those who aren’t interested in current event / political posts keep clicking on them and commenting on them.
Youre in the wrong thread then mate.
Reminds me of one afternoon in a strip joint...On the door was written 'Fully Nude Dancers', a woman came in, sat down at the drool rail, watched 2-3 dancers do their thing...she then threw a fit, in one swipe she wiped all drinks and ashtrays within her reach to the floor, and then bitched about the nudity...she didn't like it and it shouldn't be allowed.:eek:
Similarly I wonder why those who aren’t interested in current event / political posts keep clicking on them and commenting on them.
That's not the point Question is why? Same old same old responses. Makes no sense.
You and me both. I joke with the wife that I'm a machine... she will get sick and I won't even get a sniffle...
Fellas I respect your choice but I do want you to know I have had it three times. However I have also grown some extra toes. No biggy though. Carry on.
Fellas I respect your choice but I do want you to know I have had it three times. However I have also grown some extra toes. No biggy though. Carry on.

I respect yours as well. Just anti mandate here, but with what the Big 3 just did, my gut says it's a dead deal.

I'd throw back a drink with you anytime @RBB... just hide those extra toes!

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