post moved to where? mind messaging me the password.

I`ll remember that for next time, but if people are really that sensitive makes me wonder
what they do for fun.Too much political correctness and no common sense anymore
A teacher was suspended for saying in her 8th grade class"vagina" when most likely they have had some nooky already

I'm not sensitive at all. Your joke was in poor taste. I have plenty of common sense, it's you who is lacking.

I agree that the world has become too politically correct, but my god man, a joke like that isn't meant to be shared on a public forum. Even if it was funny some jokes aren't meant to be shared in mixed company. You should have saved that one for some other time and place. If you're not man enough to tell it in person to a room full of black people you shouldn't tell it at all.

I think this Internet thing is too much responsibility for some people. The anonymity is what gives you the "balls" to post something so inflammatory. Really, I think you should go spend some time telling your jokes on stage in front of a diverse group of people and see what type of reaction you garner.

Just because we have freedom of speech doesn't mean we should go around posting anything we want in a public forum.

So, tell us what Church do you go to?

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