Portable generator for home use

I bought a big (200 lb.) portable generator after going without power for 8 days following Sandy. It’s something like 7200 watts.
Fortunately I haven’t had to use it yet, but I do start it twice a year, run it for about 30 minutes with a load on it, drain the gas, and put it away again.
I have a Honda 3000i. Very quiet and pretty light to transport. Starts when you pull it. Tried it this winter when it was about -25C outside and it hadn't run in a couple of months- 4 pulls.

After a recent renovation, I had a manual transfer switch installed that moves the entire house power over to the generator. The wiring and natural gas lines are in place for a whole-house automatic unit that I will install if someday I realize the goal of spending my winters down south on a boat!

The power inlet is 240V, but I made a Y "shore power" cord that takes the hot from the 30A plug at the generator and Ys it to both hots on the house inlet, since the 3000i is a 120V unit. As such, only 120V loads work. If I ever want to enable the 240V loads (but not go the whole home route), I just need to buy a bigger generator and use a standard extension.

I installed a pretty neat gadget called Sense that monitors the mains in your house and figures out individual loads using AI. It is still figuring devices out a couple months later. Smart devices, like Philips Hue, it communicates with directly. There is a hardware device and an app on your phone. www.sense.com

Here's a few of screen shots:

This gives me an idea of what the total draw is and which loads would overwhelm the generator. It also has a separate power line monitor that is meant for a solar feed, but I use it on the generator feed. When the generator is in use, you can see your real-time load on your phone. This was the main reason I got it. More for the neat factor than necessity, I admit! My record is just over 16kW! That's without A/C (not on yet), hot water, and furnace (both gas). Hot tub was over 6kW of that.

The "always on" component is pretty useful, actually. I'm on a quest to get the steady state power consumption of our house down to 500W!
Wow, you guys have some serious stuff going on. I thought I was doing pretty good with my new little generator and a bin with dedicated extension cords etc. - everything right there ready to go. The transfer switch panel does look pretty good - thought they were more expensive. Would be nice to be able to just plug the generator in and flip a few breakers. We are probably looking at downsizing in the next 5yrs - I think that would be the time to get a whole house system. Weather is predicting another round of severe storms this week - might end up using this thing twice in one week.
For country dwellers...... we also have our standby Gen able to power the well pump ..... nice to be able to flush when the main supply goes down.
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I have a Firman generator I bought the 2200 got it and delivered through Walmart they had a great deal on it last summer. I wanted one I could lift into the back of the pickup and take with us for the travel trailer when we travel to see the grandsons. I would have bought the 3000 but at 98lbs and my bad back would cause a problem. I went with the 2200, 48lbs and easy to start. I do have a transfer box setup at home to power the fridges and the gas furnace during our not to often power outs but we had one today.
So, the little generator I bought is paying for itself already. For the 2nd time in 6 weeks our power has gone out literally the day we did our grocery shopping. Yesterday a fiesty thunderstorm rolled through about the time my wife got back from the grocery story - out goes the power. I had put a bin full of the necessary extension cords etc together, so I had the generator running in no time. Kept everything humming for about 4hrs. Just knowing I don't have to worry about the fridge etc. during a power outage is worth every penny. This thing is the best money I have spend in years.

On another note, we have had an a very active spring storm season - heard on the weather we have had over 50 tornado warnings in NC this spring - and we had a confirmed EF2 tornado touch down in our neighborhood in March - we only had minor damage, but some neighbors were not so lucky.

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