Political Campaigns, Is It Time To "Bring Back the Smoke-Filled Rooms?"

Big money runs the world and it's no longer happening in the US....we let it leave. Poor people don't start businesses and hire people. The Sheeple elected a President on "feel good/warm and fuzzy" thinking with no common sense and with having no business experience, you are watching him crash and burn. The talking head ain't working boys! He can only play the blame game now and has shown he has no leadership qualities. 17 days vacation....a prime example? I run a small business and could never be gone that long. I also work for a school district and they would never let me gone that long. The Messiah is sending a great message to the do nothings in our country. Obama was put in place by Soros and his cronies. The American people who voted for him and drank the cool-aid have failed their country and taking the hourly worker down with them. I even hang up the phone when the Republicans call wanting money. I'm probably part of the problem because I'm ready for bad times ahead......the American Dream is crumbling around us and violence will get worse by those who "we owe" something. If you don't work....you don't eat and I'm ok with that. Everyone can contribute something positive for the US. We need a no nonsense leader who can speak the truth and call a spade a spade and get the illegals out of our country. It's time for some real action and herd the Sheeple and let them eat some of what they preach......bad, tasteless food....no soup for you! I'm not a Trump fan but he says what we need to hear so wake up America, Mike.

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