Keynesian in the White House?

Hasn't every occupant of the White House since the Great Depression been a Keynesian to some degree?

I don't think increasing spending during a crisis is bad, but it isn't the entire solution either. Confidence in the system is the key.
Good God! You just figured that out?

Not all presidents and not all congresses. Reagan's policies were Supply-Side by virtue of his economic advisers' work. Gringrich's and Armey's Contract with America in 1994 was also Supply Side / Austrian.

Supply-Side economics grew out of the Austrian School of economic theory. You might want to read up on Arthur Laffer and Jude Wanniski, who were Supply-Siders and Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, and Murray Rothbard. Von Mises's The Theory of Money and Credit is still valid. Darned shame no one at the Fed ever read it.

Best regards,
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I'm just tired of Washington in general.....they spend, spend, spend. Too many free rides going on for the entitled non worker and govt/public employees. Illegal means illegal and they don't get that either. They should be charged with treason for not inforcing the imigration laws of the land. It's time to stop apologizing and take command of our own future and stop saving the world. Were starving our own economy with low interest rates and no income combined with high fuel prices for heating and gasoline. Someone remind the Pres we don't earn $250,000 a year either, Mike.

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