Is your commute to work bad?

Yipes. I'm so afraid of heights I'm not sure I could ever own a bridge boat. So that video really gave me the willies! Those people are nuts! I know statistically it is probably safer ON the tower than it is driving TO the tower, but my acrophobia would never let me do that.
Back in the mid 80's I worked at a large power plant with four 625 foot stacks. Although we had a contractor that did the annual cleaning and inspection, as a young inquisitive engineer I just HAD to see what it was like at the top. Two or three trips later my interest dried up; quite a view but an exhausting and fairly dangerous trip up and down just to satisfy my industrial tourism desires. We did have safety harnesses and used them every time, but I always did wonder.....what if?
Let's see every third Wednesday of the month I check the computer to make sure the Social Security check is deposited.

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