Happy 4th all, but

We spent our 4th at Zack’s Bay. Got there early, dropped the hook in a great spot, stayed for the fireworks show, spent the night on the hook there, came back to my dock after breakfast this morning on a nice flat and nearly deserted bay.
Tomorrow and Sunday look like some rain so I’m glad we get some quality boat time in while the weather was good.
We went out last night with some guests to watch what was the best fireworks show I've seen in a long time.

One of the guests was a 10 year old boy with autism. He is capable of speaking, but speaks in one word sentences and has a very limited vocabulary. He was excited about coming on the boat and just about burst with joy when I told him he could help me drive. A few days ago I bought him a captain's hat to wear and he wore it proudly. The evening was a memory maker for him and a pleasurable cruise for all of us.
GFC, a message from my wife. She teaches special ed which includes those with autism.

She'd like to send you a good VA hug, she also says you did a great thing, you didn't just make his day you made his year.
dwna1, tell her thanks. I'll take a hug any day, even from all the way across this good ol' USA.

Here's a photo his mom took while he was skippering the boat.

and here's a photo of our home as it's always decorated for July 4th.

I have six different Dogtags here. Ranging from the CSA, USN, USMC, USAF / NASA, they all thank you for being so patriotic... I thank you. To be honest I still fly a CSA Blue Bonnie on my stern and my fathers US on the noise. It's only flown twice a year.

All but one survived their wars and he died during one of the last battles, The Crater in Petersburg VA. He didn't give his life for our country, he gave his life for this Commonwealth
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