Cleaning your vinyl boat seats! -Mildew


New Member
May 11, 2013
Lake Lanier
Boat Info
19' Sea Ray
4 cylinder Mercruiser
Hey everyone, I was wondering what the best way to get mildew off vinyl boat seats? I have tried soap and water, mr.clean magic eraser, hydrogen peroxide, lysol wipes and all purpose cleaner, even two different types of marine cleaner and boat vinyl cleaner and restorer. . Nothing has been able to lift these dark speckled stains off my seats!. I have included a picture to show what it looks like if you know anything that would work I would love some help. Thanks!



Here are the products I have tried, also including the magic eraser. Any advice? Thanks

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Believe it or not I used a product called bleach white I picked up at a true value it its a white wall tire cleaner .i scrubbed them then let them sun dry then I put on 303 protectant.
Hey everyone, I was wondering what the best way to get mildew off vinyl boat seats? I have tried soap and water, mr.clean magic eraser, hydrogen peroxide, lysol wipes and all purpose cleaner, even two different types of marine cleaner and boat vinyl cleaner and restorer. . Nothing has been able to lift these dark speckled stains off my seats!. I have included a picture to show what it looks like if you know anything that would work I would love some help. Thanks!


Do you know where I can purchase it from?? I googles it but was unable to find it. Thanks!
I have had good luck with comet and a stiff bristle brush also. The bleach white will probably work though.

It's actually called "westleys bleachy white"

I have gotten nothing to work! I have tried the following:
NOTHING will remove those stains and on top of that i just found out about 30% of the wood in my boat is rotten :/
ANy other suggestions to remove bad stains?

Letting the sun do it's own thing can sometimes do wonders. But, my gut is telling me that these spots are coming from underneath (bad news). Try this: Dampen a white rag with a 4:1 solution of water:bleach. Set the rag on the vinyl, try to avoid the seams, for about 5 minutes and see what happens. Rinse well. If that doesn't work, it's probably time for either some vinyl spray paint/dye or to have them redone/replaced.
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Your problem is probably coming from underneath the vinyl and has permeated the material. I think you are going to find your only choices are:

1. recover using new material
2. find a guy who can dye leather and vinyl - which is only a temporary coverup
Hasn't anyone noticed that he already used Bleache White? The bottle is in his pictures.
My mechanic buddy suggested brake cleaner (aerosol spray) for a few spots I had on my fiberglass and vinyl. Worked GREAT!!
I use lacquer thinner on a rag works great also removing stains on the seats and fiberglass
I had the same issue a couple of years back and found this cleaner 4U cleaner ( and boy that is the best stuff I have ever used. I keep a gallon on the boat now and clean everything with it. Turned my cushions like new and then used 303 protectant on them after that and they are soft and like new again. This stuff takes off marks from everything, I highly recommend it to all boaters. You should see it clean a tender, my neighbors that I bought a new one.
Just yesterday I did my yearly Clorox cleanup spray routine. Spray it on and use a soft bristle brush to work it into the grain. Rinse well with water and let dry. Been doing this for 10yrs now and the threads are still fine. Does that mean its right? No. Does that bright white shade warrant the risk to me once a year? Yes.
My miracle cleaner on the boat is Softscrub with bleach (i know its bathroom cleaner!) used with a scrub brush.
Probably not good for the seats but, it works great.
Also, the best nonskid cleaner I've found and already tried all the others.
Thanks for all your reply's everyone I will try out those next few suggestions and let you know if it worked! thanks.

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