Broken snap screws

Had a snap that wasn't properly crimped on my new top last year and found it on my dresser last night and as we were putting the canvass up last night I noticed one of the broken ones we are talking about here is still in the canvas side of the snap so that should be my 2 snaps I need. Headed to the hardware store here shortly to try to fins a roll pin or bushing of some sort that might work. If the weather holds up I will head to the marina later today to give it a go.

I'll update and thanks all!
Another quick question...

Got a small aluminum bushing from the hardware store that fits inside the snap so should do the trick.

Does the snap have to be aluminum too? I think mine are all stainless? Or just the rivet?
I used a long rivet and cut the head off. Filed it smooth and it made a great spacer. Drew the snaps down tight.
Definitely use aluminum rivits.

Go back and re-read post #12 for why.
Yeah Frank I bought aluminum rivets but I was wondering about the actual snaps too? Not sure if they even make aluminum snaps but seems if the screws would be an issue then the snaps would be too?
We are relying on the powder coating to insulate the snaps. If that is still a concern, order a tube of TefGel to insulate the snaps.
That's fine then. If that's the norm then I'm good with that.

Thanks for everyones help. Hope to get it done soon so I'll let you know how well it worked!
If you want, cut a small piece of a clear vinyl into a circle the size of the male snap. Basically make a "washer" out of vinyl. That will further help to insulate it. But given your location, you have less to worry about than someone in salt and down south. Corrosion will still happen, but not nearly as fast.

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