
  1. Grec

    Can you confirm that your MMSI number?

    I bought a new radio. The radio that was in the boat when I bought it has an MMSI number, but I'd like to confirm that is it actually registered to my boat before plugging the number into the new radio. I'm concerned because at some point in the past, the previous owner had transferred some...
  2. RollerCoastr

    MMSI - no excuses. What else do you have to do this week?!

    My marina has a FB group with 500 members. The mod started a post asking everyone to post a pic of their boat. Dozens of people replied within an hour. I started a post about DSC - how simple and important and low-cost/free it is. I even posted the chilling youtube audio of my friend's...
  3. RollerCoastr

    Do you have DSC / GPS / MMSI configured?

    The USCG "whines" that only 10% of distress calls include this potentially life-saving information. Strangely enough, they do little about it. Neither does the Auxiliary. I quizzed two neighbors who recently had courtesy vessel inspections. Neither inspector even mentioned DSC. I reached...