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  1. R

    Which Bottom Paint

    I have been educating myself for three days on bottom paint and I have not been able to find the answer to this one. I going to be rack stored at home port. But when I'm in the water I could be there for a month or more. I read that some of the paints "dry Out" and loose their protection so...
  2. R

    After Market FI?????

    Is anyone making after market fuel injection for boats (specificly 454s) yet? I know automotive has for almost 5 years. Looking for a cleaner burn and better fuel specifics without repowering. Please spare me the clean hull and prop deal I am all over that. Thanks!
  3. R

    blisters and bottoms

    I have been out of stay in the water boats for over ten years and have not kept up with the lastest stuff. I am buying a sundancer34 that has been is fresh water for over 4 years. It has bottom paint on it now. I am expecting some blisters. My question is the new barrier coatings. Can it be...
  4. R

    Hull Blisters

    I am considering a 87 Sundancer 34. I have not lined up a surveyor yet but I was wondering are SeaRays prone to hull blisters? And anyone know of a good surveyor in NW GA?