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  1. Coldwaterdiver

    Bigger Engine

    Just a comment from the drag racing world. Torque wins races not horsepower. 454 has a lot of area under the curve which means torque everywhere at any rpm. Raw seat of the pants neck snapping giddy up on tap. A stroker 383 has to wind up before you get to your torque. Check out the torque...
  2. Coldwaterdiver

    1988 250 Cuddy Fisherman engine comartment help

    John, Thanks for the reply. I was kind of figuring that from what little I have seen elsewhere on the internet. Most of those pictures have been just on the edges and not very good. I was hoping to get some better pictures so I could recreate/modify/upgrade. I have found a few jinky things...
  3. Coldwaterdiver

    1988 250 Cuddy Fisherman engine comartment help

    I bought a 1988 250 Cuddy Fisherman about 6 months ago and I think the previous owner removed some structural deck supports in the engine compartment :huh::huh:. I am trying to find someone who has an 1987 or 1988 like mine that has or can take some pictures so I can redo the engine compartment...
  4. Coldwaterdiver

    1988 Cuddy Fisherman test run at Folsom Lake

    Starting the clean up work. Fixed the blower and made it actually work. Lots of other things to fix, repair or replace before it is done the way I want but now I can actually get the family out on it. This is a test run late Sunday with my son shooting the video on my smartphone so I apologize...
  5. Coldwaterdiver

    1988 250CF Bitter end

    Does anyone have a picture of what the bitter end of a 1988 250 Cuddy Fisherman looks like without all the rust? I obviously need to replace this guy. Any pictures would help.
  6. Coldwaterdiver


  7. Coldwaterdiver

    New 1988 250CF. Let the fun begin!

    Right after I bought it I took it out for a test drive and discovered that the impeller was gone. I figured this out by the almost immediate overheating underway and the being towed back in. After a few bucks to my trusty mechanic I was up and running again. After an hours sucessful test drive...