Family tragedy

Very sorry to hear about this Scott.
Thoughts and prayers out to you and your family.
i am very sorry for your loss. I understand the pain you are feeling. Stay strong.
very sorry to hear this Scott....I know your pain all to well...we have lost a few family members during the past year as well....

stay strong my friend....

Thank you everyone. On Tuesday afternoon, my sister put a gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger. My Dad was the first to find her about four hours after she did it. I was away on a trip at the time, fortunately my employer cut me loose from the rest of it after flying back to Louisville (they would have airlined me home from Fresno, but the quickest way to get back to my car was to operate the trip.) After driving to my Dad's house, I spent the rest of the day helping him with the arrangements. (Learned way more than I ever wanted to know about the clean up after something like that)

Anyway, I finally got home yesterday and got some sleep after being awake for 36 hours. Now it is just a matter of getting through the memorial service this weekend and spending healing time with family. This is going to take a long time to get over, especially for my father, whose last image of his daughter...well, you can use your imagination. (I accidentally walked into the room where she did it, what I saw will haunt me for the rest of my life, I can't imagine what he is dealing with)

Anyway, my sister Erin was 44, recently divorced and had 4 children. Two of the kids are grown and out of the house, the other two are about the same age as my two kids (10 and 14). I am most worried about them, hopefully as a family we can provide them with comfort and love which they will no longer get from their mother.

She had been dealing with depression since her teens, and frustratingly the medical system failed her. Every time she sought treatment, they would throw pills at her and turn her loose. Recently she went to a crisis center on four separate occasions and was turned out the door each time, since they only took 4 patients per day. I find I have a lot of anger directed at the medical system and specifically Don's Guns in Indy, who sold her a handgun on the 26th of November. At the time, she was distraught and barely able to function, yet somehow, they sold her a gun....

Anyway, thanks for the prayers and well wishes, I appreciate it. Please feel free to post experiences with depression and suicide, maybe we all can learn something from this tragedy.

God Bless,

I cannot imagine, I'm sure none of us can. All I can say is we are more than willing to provide support any way possible knowing it wouldn't be sufficient know matter what. So sorry for your loss and your family's loss.

Oh my God Scott, I cannot imagine the pain and grief your family is suffering. My family will be praying for your family.
Scott, when I was a cop I had to interact with family members of loved ones who committed suicide or died by the hands of another. I feel your pain and it's a pain only time will soften.

I hope you can find comfort in knowing that all of us in your boating family have you and your family in our prayers. Take time with the grief and healing. They take time and should not be short cut.

What you and your family are going through right now is unimaginable and I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and frustration for you and your family. The demons your sister were dealing with are unexplained and sounds like she has been fighting a battle for a long time. Hopefully she has found the peace she was seeking.

Take care of the family and allow everyone the time and space to deal with the grief in their own way. And don't rule out professional counseling. It can work wonders.

God Bless....

Thanks for being able to share such a personal event with your friends here at CSR. I hope it helps knowing we all support you as much as possible. Although your lives will be forever changed, you and your family WILL get through this.
I can't imagine what you are going thru Scott. I know it took a lot to put your experience out here for all to see. Please know that this community grieves with you and is here for you as you begin the long process of coping . Don't neglect yourself during this process. Seek counsel if you need to. God bless.
Scott, I can only say I’m so sorry the system failed and all of us here at CSR would, will do almost anything we can to help. This unfortunately touches all of us and while we can’t stop the pain we can and will be there for you and your family in thought & prayer as this takes a long long time to begin to heal as things will never be the same. God bless you and your family and we’re all pulling for all of you.

Words fail me.

Sometimes life's events are overwhelming. It becomes one day at a time.

Praying for there to be some type of peace that your family can find at some point. It will take time.

Anything I can do for you or your family let me know.

So sorry for your loss. Hope the best for you and your family, especially her children.
So sorry for your loss. May your sister finally Rest In Peace...... She probably suffered more than anyone realized.......Depression is a horrible disease and not a choice......So sad... I hope her ex husband is a good father...That's what those kids need the most right now..... peace be with you during this difficult time..........

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