Shower sump

I did an overhaul of my shower sump and bilge area last spring ( and another pump replacement in fall) while i had the sump box out and at home i used a bleach spray as a previous poster mentioned (don't remember which one, i.e. Chlorox etc.) That removed most staining, the box itself was in good shape so i did not see need to replace.
I thought someone mentioned Tide powder worked just as well?... I am out of it’s Carter’s poopy powder or Tide
Is the consensus that Carter’s Poopy Powder works? If so with the deal I just got at $15 per pound, CPP works out to be $ 3.79 per pound based on the Amazon links. Of course I figure the 5 pound recent purchase would carry us through the end of the 22 season, so 14 pounds could be a lifetime supply...
I need to trademark the name....
I thought someone mentioned Tide powder worked just as well?... I am out of it’s Carter’s poopy powder or Tide
Well I am an official user of "Carter's Poopy Powder" and an unofficial basement chemical mixer :)
You need to install the access opening and it makes anything a whole lot easier... I keep a chlorine toilet puck in mine.
2019-08-24 14.41.33.jpg
+1 on Chlorine puck. Thanks to @The Bill Collector for the recommendation!

Noflex did a good job of getting rid of the initial vast amount of crud when i first got my boat, but after doing a deep clean on the sump, i found nothing keeps it as clean as a chlorine puck.
+1 on Chlorine puck. Thanks to @The Bill Collector for the recommendation!

Noflex did a good job of getting rid of the initial vast amount of crud when i first got my boat, but after doing a deep clean on the sump, i found nothing keeps it as clean as a chlorine puck.

Interesting....Does the puck mess up your holding tank? Or is yours directly out the side of the boat? I use the little "nuggetts" of clorine in my fresh water tank. I get them at Wallymart.
Interesting....Does the puck mess up your holding tank? Or is yours directly out the side of the boat? I use the little "nuggetts" of clorine in my fresh water tank. I get them at Wallymart.

My sump goes out a through hull. This is gray water and separate from my black water holding tank.
If the 2 were somehow connected, then yes, I do believe the chlorine would negate the effectiveness of a biological digestor like Noflex or Carters Poopy Powder :)
Back to the shower sump or gray water sump. The scum seems to be olive oil from the galley and liquid soap, shampoo or toothpaste from the other sinks and/or showers. The scum can build up and cripple the float switch. On a 390 MY, the sump can then overflow to the two main bilge pumps and eventually cripple another float switch. To dissolve the scum, I've tried baking soda, vinegar/Dawn, Tilex, Simple Green, etc. I need something that can be added on a regular basis. Temporarily, I've removed the gray water sump lid and I use a 3" foam paint brush to clean the sides and skim off the sump occasionally.
The gray water sump intention was good, but it's an operational nightmare. Another problem is the machine screws and nuts securing the lid. Takes more time to fasten and unfasten the lid than working on the scum. I substituted electric cable ties. Snip them off to unfasten and insert new ties to fasten.
Back to the shower sump or gray water sump. ....Takes more time to fasten and unfasten the lid than working on the scum. I substituted electric cable ties. Snip them off to unfasten and insert new ties to fasten.

I replaced them with bolts and wing nuts. Not the access panel that @The Bill Collector installed but its pretty quick.
Back to the shower sump or gray water sump. The scum seems to be olive oil from the galley and liquid soap, shampoo or toothpaste from the other sinks and/or showers. The scum can build up and cripple the float switch. On a 390 MY, the sump can then overflow to the two main bilge pumps and eventually cripple another float switch. To dissolve the scum, I've tried baking soda, vinegar/Dawn, Tilex, Simple Green, etc. I need something that can be added on a regular basis. Temporarily, I've removed the gray water sump lid and I use a 3" foam paint brush to clean the sides and skim off the sump occasionally.
The gray water sump intention was good, but it's an operational nightmare. Another problem is the machine screws and nuts securing the lid. Takes more time to fasten and unfasten the lid than working on the scum. I substituted electric cable ties. Snip them off to unfasten and insert new ties to fasten.

Isn’t that stuff explosive when you use it all together?

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