Ready to scream

FYI that thread is 10 years old boys...
Maybe the OPr is in a nursing home by now and his boat is filled up with leaves, sitting on a trailer behind the garage. Or, since he is from Michigan, maybe the boat has been impounded by the guv.
I was just wondering if it had a fuel cooler. Br in Law had same issue, changed fuel pumps, filters, lines, even removed tank and cleaned. $5000.00 later, still same issue. I was a grocery store one day and ran into a friend that used to be a marine mechanic, he told me to pull the hoses off the fuel cooler and see if water flowed through it freely. We did and low and behold, just a trickle. Cleaned fuel cooler and tested. All has been well since. Fuel pumps were heating up and causing fuel to vape, took about 20-30 min up on plain. Original marina that did all the work was approached, only reply was we followed the symptoms and repaired what they led us to. WOW. He doesn't use them anymore.
Nursing home? Its only ten years. Heck. I've still got my cub cadet lawn mower from 2008!
You know, in reading all that info, I didn't see any reference to anyone replacing the condenser in the distributor. They used to show failure when hot by breaking down causing backfire and sputter just like described. I know he said it was tuned up but some guys dont change condensers as a rule since they are soild state they think they cant fail. Wonder what his issue turned out to be?
Idk.. but some people just give up on them. It takes a lot of work and patience and mechanical experience. Yeah the condenser is a mini capacitor. Very important.
You know, in reading all that info, I didn't see any reference to anyone replacing the condenser in the distributor. They used to show failure when hot by breaking down causing backfire and sputter just like described. I know he said it was tuned up but some guys dont change condensers as a rule since they are soild state they think they cant fail. Wonder what his issue turned out to be?

Ahem...Post #29... :cool:

...Do you also have a condensor, which is a little metal can that's screwed on the outside of the distributor and has a single wire going to the points? If you have one, do yourself a favor and change it out. They are cheap and easy to replace (DIY if you can remove the distributor cap and loosen a couple of screws). The condensor is a capacitor that charges and discharges every time the points open and close (RPMs X 8). They do go bad. Sometimes the engine won't run when they do, but they often work OK until the RPMs get high. Replacing it is cheap insurance. You might also want to replace the points. They aren't too expensive.
Oops, missed that.
So did the problem ever get discovered and fixed?

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