The "virus" What are your thoughts

I had to go to Costco yesterday to pick up a bag of dog food and was amazed at the size of the crowd. It looked like the Christmas crowd.

Between what we use on the boat and around the pool, we go through about 4 cases of water a summer. I saw people walking out with their carts full of water and toilet paper and paper towels. I got in the line to get bottled water and was told there is a limit of 6 cases of water per household and 4 paper products. Many of the people I saw walking out had that much.

Amazing. C'mon people, your tap water is not going to be shut off, and how long would it take you to use 4 cases of toilet paper? I don't get it.
Sounds like what happens on Long Island when any amount of snow is forecast. Except add in bread, milk, and eggs.

Maybe people think there's an intestinal distress component to COVID-19? 14 days of the runs and no TP would be pretty terrible.
I just left Costco. I went to get salt and beer. Where the salt used to be was a sea of bottled water cases. It was crazy... later I wished I took a pic never seen anything like it. Lots of people with flat carts loading up on water and paper products.... somebody knows something I don’t. That’s for sure.... I did get in the spirit and threw another case of beer on the cart..... better safe than sorry :)
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I shut down non-essential travel at our company yesterday. My definition of "essential" travel is it needs significant justification. We also have a plan in place should we decide in the future to close down offices and have everyone work from home.

Not being alarmist, hope that it is never needed. Our employees feel better knowing the company is concerned about their well being and health.
I had to go to Costco yesterday to pick up a bag of dog food and was amazed at the size of the crowd. It looked like the Christmas crowd.

Between what we use on the boat and around the pool, we go through about 4 cases of water a summer. I saw people walking out with their carts full of water and toilet paper and paper towels. I got in the line to get bottled water and was told there is a limit of 6 cases of water per household and 4 paper products. Many of the people I saw walking out had that much.

Amazing. C'mon people, your tap water is not going to be shut off, and how long would it take you to use 4 cases of toilet paper? I don't get it.
Funny how we've been talking about this for well over a month, but it isn't until the market drops that the President takes visible action, and it isn't until people start hearing about US deaths before they take steps to prepare themselves.

Human behavior is a really weird thing.
Only thing scarce in my area is hand sanitizer. Other than that stores looked normal over the weekend.
Funny how we've been talking about this for well over a month, but it isn't until the market drops that the President takes visible action, and it isn't until people start hearing about US deaths before they take steps to prepare themselves.

Human behavior is a really weird thing.

Many have misguidedly attributed the market sell off to Corona.

The market sell off was due to Bernie Sanders’ seemingly and over hyped by the media, inevitability as the Democratic Socialist candidate.

The market has come roaring back and corona is still spreading.

Corona had minimal cause and effect.
Many have misguidedly attributed the market sell off to Corona.

The market sell off was due to Bernie Sanders’ seemingly and over hyped by the media, inevitability as the Democratic Socialist candidate.

The market has come roaring back and corona is still spreading.

Corona had minimal cause and effect.

aww. He just wants to take what you've got and give it to someone else. What could be wrong with that?
Many have misguidedly attributed the market sell off to Corona.

The market sell off was due to Bernie Sanders’ seemingly and over hyped by the media, inevitability as the Democratic Socialist candidate.

The market has come roaring back and corona is still spreading.

Corona had minimal cause and effect.

I just want to save the post above - Because I don't think anyone in the market believes Bernie has a chance in hell. I'm sure the fed rate cut was due to Bernie as well...


To the others,

This will give you a little taste of whats going on around the world. So, with the advantage of time and seeing how other countries are implementing fairly drastic measures, are you surprised by people trying to stock up on a few things?

I'm not suggesting going crazy, but perhaps a little more inventory than normal might lessen your exposure and allow you to self-quarantine if your state implements any measures such as closures.

The numbers are likely to grow in this country just like it has in the others. The only reason it's not representative now is testing is being suppressed. So, take prudent measures.
The President met with the BIG3 Airlines today, and from experience that's NOT good hold on people Oh ( And I have 30 yrs in the airline industry) Trust me, this isn't good....
Compare the stats of this Corona virus and the H1N1 in terms of infected populations and number of deaths.

Nobody ran out to buy bottled water during H1N1. This is so politicized and over hyped by the liberal media it’s an injustice to the good people of our country.

The President met with the BIG3 Airlines today, and from experience that's NOT good hold on people Oh ( And I have 30 yrs in the airline industry) Trust me, this isn't good....

Doomsday crazies are out and about. Go buy bottled water...quick!

In 1990 100,000 people in the US died of seasonal flu.

Nobody ran out to buy bottled water then either.

Turn off CNN and search on-the-line for facts.

So I just found out my boss’s kid has to self quarantine. She was staying in Italy on an exchange program and flew back yesterday with no symptoms. Not sure how or why this was allowed.

Now what?:( My wife is stressed about me going to the office.
So I just found out my boss’s kid has to self quarantine. She was staying in Italy on an exchange program and flew back yesterday with no symptoms. Not sure how or why this was allowed.

Now what?:( My wife is stressed about me going to the office.

I would not go to the office. But, I have the technical ability to work remotely. And my wife has a compromised immune system so I don’t screw around. Boss should quarantine also.
New policy in place with my employer, if you or anyone in your household is sick - stay home. It's not worth the risk.
She was staying in Italy on an exchange program and flew back yesterday with no symptoms. Not sure how or why this was allowed.
I'm on the email distribution list for three universities. All have cancelled their study abroad programs in Italy and asked their students to return. Two have at least considered cancellation of all study abroad programs. All planned a period of time for the students at home before integrating back into the local university class structure. As far as I know there is no ban for travelers coming from Italy, but current published CDC guidance is to self-quarantine for 14 days if returning to the US from Italy.

Edit: One other consideration for the students in a study-abroad program is that if they were to get sick, they are in foreign country, don't know the medical system, don't have a local PCP to consult, and have very limited support around them to help them recover.

Would you expect the universities to leave these students in these areas?
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No, and I would want my child back, however hopefully you can see my quandary. We also have an office manager you has a compromised immune system. We are only an operation of 5 people. I typically travel, and actually just got back from the Bahamas yesterday from a business convention.

I'm in the office now. I've texted and tried calling him hoping to reach out so he may consider staying home. No answer.
New policy in place with my employer, if you or anyone in your household is sick - stay home. It's not worth the risk.

I believe this should be a common practice anyways. I don’t understand why people insist on coming into a cube farm while they’re sick.
I believe this should be a common practice anyways. I don’t understand why people insist on coming into a cube farm while they’re sick.
Allot of employees don't get sick days (my self included), so you either use vacation days or go without pay... I don't want either of those choices. Lucky for me, I very rarely get sick.

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