Honor my brothers or don’t.

Calling me or anyone else names does not change reality. Apparently you missed this lesson in grade school, but that’s your problem to figure out on your own. I’m done wasting any more of my time. “You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep”.
Is that a threat or a promise?
But you just said I didn’t mention racism …..lol. How nuts are you?
Funniest thing about it is when his enablers have the audacity to question Biden’s abilities. Same people fretting the economy is so awful are taking expensive overseas trips in droves. Gas down over a dollar from a year ago. Inflation rate headed down, unemployment virtually nonexistent. Market is up, savings and CD rates up and new manaufactuing in clean energy and other fields are on the rise. Simple truths but no competition for brainwashed alternative realities. GOP blatantly racist and steering toward fascism. You’d have to be moderately educated and open minded to see this though.
Here’s a post from you only a few days ago when you were going through one of your episodes. I really had a laugh at the “alternative realities” comment.
Calling me or anyone else names does not change reality. Apparently you missed this lesson in grade school, but that’s your problem to figure out on your own. I’m done wasting any more of my time. “You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep”.
I didn't see where anyone called you a name. But I'll leave woke to you.
I didn't see where anyone called you a name. But I'll leave woke to you.
…and just like that, she’s gone. Gets high, starts a ridiculous thread, can’t handle the receipts from others….and poof.

1 million American lives. Worst mass murderer in our lifetime- Trump. Through severity of disease denial (its like the flu, will all be gone in a month) to mask denial to vax denial - and who did he hurt the most? His own innocent blind allegiance followers. If he spends the rest of his sick life in prison for anything it should be this.
you do know that most of that 1 million occurred under Biden (and still going)
There is no question as to the factual content of your statement.

The problem is that facts and logic are two things that are beyond some folks comprehension.

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