PSA: Recognizing a Heart Attack

One thing that these stories leave out is family history. Do those of you that experienced these cardiac events have family history of heart attacks? My Dad died in an aircraft accident at 50 but the probable cause was heart attack after his autopsy discovered sever coronary disease and blockages. His dad had a heart attack in his early 50's but survived and had a pacemaker for the rest of his life into his 80s. He had smoked most of his life and switched to chewing. I always figured that I would be looking at similar issues so here at 60 I'm about to find out on Friday when I do a stress test. Even though I know my family history, I have not let it dictate my lifestyle. I generally try to moderate just about everything in my life so unless the doc can show me empirical data about how what I eat will be what kills me I am not likely to change much. Did you guys make radical changes to your diets or exercise routines post heart attack?
One thing that these stories leave out is family history. Do those of you that experienced these cardiac events have family history of heart attacks? My Dad died in an aircraft accident at 50 but the probable cause was heart attack after his autopsy discovered sever coronary disease and blockages. His dad had a heart attack in his early 50's but survived and had a pacemaker for the rest of his life into his 80s. He had smoked most of his life and switched to chewing. I always figured that I would be looking at similar issues so here at 60 I'm about to find out on Friday when I do a stress test. Even though I know my family history, I have not let it dictate my lifestyle. I generally try to moderate just about everything in my life so unless the doc can show me empirical data about how what I eat will be what kills me I am not likely to change much. Did you guys make radical changes to your diets or exercise routines post heart attack?

No history (what I know of it) of heart disease in my family. Always thought of myself as the proverbial healthy as a horse. That said, my primary had been nagging me about my cholesterol level. Post HA I have been watching what I eat, but its a bit too early to have initiated radical changes. Plan is to make small incremental changes as I believe that will be more sustainable.

Still experiencing fatigue and shortness of breath, but it's only been 4 days. Admiral says stop expecting the insta-fix.
My father had heart disease but it was mostly due to his seafood diet, he saw food and he ate it. LOL, he also developed diabetes due to his terrible diet. That being said I've also had low HDL most of my adult life and used to love burgers & fries. So changes so far are to cut out dairy & red meat(except a burger once in a while) also added lots of salads & veggies. I was surprised though to be told two servings of fruit a day due to high sugar content(I saw a nutritionist). So I'm reading the labels on the boxes and cutting out sugar, saturated fat, dairy & all fried food. I'm beyond six months since my HA but still have anxiety like it'll happen again. Doctor says my heart is good and the plaque that ruptured could have happened to anyone. I also reminded him and all the other health care pro's that three days before I was told that I was in excellent health. The thing I learned is eat better, exercise and appreciate every day. We're pretty lucky because modern medicine can fix so much that used to be fatal.
My dad had two mild strokes no complications from having them other than going on a blood thinner.
I am about two weeks into the “ Change the diet “

I’m sure others will say the same.
At first your a little angry and frustrated. Angry because you realize you have to make a change and within that change you have to eliminate or cut way back on some of the things you like on a regular basis. Dairy, Salt , sweets , red meat, alcohol, indulgent type food. Then you get frustrated with learning how to shop for a new lifestyle and cook also when going out to eat looking at the menu in a whole new way. I also was surprised with eat more fruit idea because of the sugars in fruit.

For me I decided the Mediterranean diet plan fits my lifestyle the best and from that I can get the results that I want.
I exercise four days a week and have done for the last 10 years so the exercise part was not even an issue for me.
My biggest frustration is learning how to correct my eating while at the same time being around others that necessarily don’t need to change how they eat. So meals at home have been a little bit of a challenge.
My goal is to drop 15 to 20 lbs and the only way you can do that is get proper sleep, eat a well-balanced diet and exercise.
Good choice. Some of the newer "stress" tests, don't even require you to do the whole treadmill thing. they just chemically induce the stress and watch your body's reaction.
After my dads heart attack, his heart dr wanted us boys to have stress tests, insurance would only pay for the chemical ones if the person wasn’t healthy enough to do the treadmill.
I spent two weeks ago Tuesday early morning in the ER. Woke up at 2am heart beating very erratic and very hard to breath and catch my breath. I gave it a hour and with no improvement I went to the ER. They did a quick EKG on my and determined that I was in AFIB. After 3 hours hours a IV and some other meds my heart stabilized.

Good thing about going to the ER it put me in front of the cardiologist the very next day. I have had a CT scan of my heart , doing stress test on this coming Monday and more imaging of my heart on Tuesday and then meeting with the cardiologist again on wednesday.
My hope is he takes me off the heart pill and blood thinner as having ED sucks... and I really don't like to be dependent on meds.

This guy has been very thorough. If anything I think the AFIB has been a early warning of something bigger that was going to happen and has made me want to take better care of myself. I am 54 , workout everyday, eat mostly clean and 20 lbs overweight. I quit smoking years ago but still vape also I do enjoy my red meat and drinks.

Well when you look at the list of triggers for AFIB it goes in this order.

Sleep apnea ... I have it
Smoking/ Vaping... I do it
binge drinking... I have two or three a night and on the boat maybe five or six
Pills for acid reflux... I take them
diet/overweight... I love my bacon, rare steak, eggs, sweets. and for my age and height I could lose 18 pounds
Having covid... I had it in January

So the last two weeks I haven't drank, I have started to clean up what I eat, changed my vape from 6% to 2% nicotine and only vape a couple hours a day... I hope to toss it by next week. Sleep apnea I need to just get a damn capap and stop putting it off.

The whole thing has been a little bit of a mind "f" as I have never really been sick and that was my first trip to the ER in all my years.

I think one of the nurses said it best... Your not 30 anymore and even though your strong and healthy you do need to adjust some things for your age because as we get older it just takes longer for our body's to recover from all the fun we enjoy.
My dad had AFIB diagnosed probably when he was in his early 70’s and lived until almost 92. Maybe they can change you’re meds to something with less side effects if you need to stay on them.
After having a heart attack i never recognized , i recommend going to ER after any discomfort in the chest area. It may safe ur life. Secondly someone mentioned diet.
Lost 50lbs since mine and changed what i eat. Might cheat alittle every now again though.
Next pain in the chest could be the end. Get checked out.
My dad had two mild strokes no complications from having them other than going on a blood thinner.
I am about two weeks into the “ Change the diet “

I’m sure others will say the same.
At first your a little angry and frustrated. Angry because you realize you have to make a change and within that change you have to eliminate or cut way back on some of the things you like on a regular basis. Dairy, Salt , sweets , red meat, alcohol, indulgent type food. Then you get frustrated with learning how to shop for a new lifestyle and cook also when going out to eat looking at the menu in a whole new way. I also was surprised with eat more fruit idea because of the sugars in fruit.

For me I decided the Mediterranean diet plan fits my lifestyle the best and from that I can get the results that I want.
I exercise four days a week and have done for the last 10 years so the exercise part was not even an issue for me.
My biggest frustration is learning how to correct my eating while at the same time being around others that necessarily don’t need to change how they eat. So meals at home have been a little bit of a challenge.
My goal is to drop 15 to 20 lbs and the only way you can do that is get proper sleep, eat a well-balanced diet and exercise.
Changing your eating habits are tough. Its even tougher when eating out or at party's.
But it is do able and every now again you can cheat alittle. U not going to live for ever anyway, just like me.
Cut out fried foods , white bread, anything with lots of sugar and u be good. I still eat a good steak every couple weeks. Processed meat is really bad for you. Hotdogs, salami, baloney, pepperoni, etc, its all bad.
Mine was a little different. Sitting in the family room (1997) watching TV at 11:30pm, and "an elephant jumped on my chest". Lots of pain and had trouble breathing - managed to crawl upstairs and woke up the Admiral. She called the next door neighbor, who is an MD. He rushed over, took one look at me and said "Don't Move", and told the Admiral to call 911 and off to the ER I went. Wound up with a couple of stents, but two years later had to have quad by-pass surgery and I've got the chest "zipper" to prove it. Back in 2015, was having some trouble breathing and the docs thought it was COPD, but made an appointment with the cardiologist who did some tests. Next thing I knew was I had to have a new mitral valve "installed". Was out of commission for a few months, but feel well and still kicking at 73.
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My mom was literally in a hospital room recovering from emergency ankle surgery when she had her widow maker heart attack. She kept telling the nurse she did not feel right, they gave her indigestion meds and dismissed it. She eventually made enough noise where a dr put an EKG on her and sure enough. Stents and triple bypass surgery the next day.

The on call ortho who did the ankle surgery, who has since replaced both of my brothers knees, his wifes knees, and has seen me for my knee, passed her by in the elevator on the way down to get her stents. He was on his way to check on her. He said she is a lucky woman, she lives alone, doubtful she would have survived on her own. The broken ankle saved her.
I had no symptoms. No pain, no numbing of limbs. I was was working at my desk and got light headed. Two minutes later I passed out after shouting to my son that I need to go to hospital. I took ambulance ride and then a helicopter right to surgery. I only had one stint and was in my room 4 hours after passing out. 100 percent occlusion of a artery that I don’t remember.
I had no symptoms. No pain, no numbing of limbs. I was was working at my desk and got light headed. Two minutes later I passed out after shouting to my son that I need to go to hospital. I took ambulance ride and then a helicopter right to surgery. I only had one stint and was in my room 4 hours after passing out. 100 percent occlusion of a artery that I don’t remember.
glad ur still here sir.
.... So if you feel a zinger that goes away or a rush of fatigue or shortness of breath(I never did) or numbness down the arm(never did) or that little voice in your head that says something isn't right do NOT ignore it!!! Life is too short to be a tough guy, get it checked out ASAP!!


I'm pretty sure my dad did the 'tough guy' thing and punched out when he was 36. Then over the next 40 or so years myself and my 4 siblings found out what a 'tough chick' my mother was!

I'm thrilled for all you guys that spotted what was going on in time and are still kicking around as I'm certain your family and friends are as well! Thank you all for putting the stories out here!
OK, you guys have served notice. I have a condition called bigeminy. AKA preventricular contractions, I was diagnosed @ 36 lying on an OR table prior to shoulder surgery. Cardiologist cleared me, I got the shoulder better, and went out and tore my right Achilles. Fast forward to now (14 yrs later) I've had both Achilles torn and repaired, shoulder surg, back surg, and I keep on coaching and playing volleyball. So, I figure having a surgery every couple of years clears me cardiologically..; Just kidding. I do have HTN and high cholesterol (family hx) and take my meds religiously. As an aside, one of my fraternity brothers was an excercise nut. At 40 he was finishing the 1st lap of an 18hr mountain bike race and dropped dead. No MI, just Vtach. Luckily at the start/stop line were EMT's and revived him. His only pre-existing condition? High cholesterol. He didn't like the side effects of the meds, so didn't take them. I think he had quad bypass after that. And takes his meds now.
OK, you guys have served notice. I have a condition called bigeminy. AKA preventricular contractions, I was diagnosed @ 36 lying on an OR table prior to shoulder surgery. Cardiologist cleared me, I got the shoulder better, and went out and tore my right Achilles. Fast forward to now (14 yrs later) I've had both Achilles torn and repaired, shoulder surg, back surg, and I keep on coaching and playing volleyball. So, I figure having a surgery every couple of years clears me cardiologically..; Just kidding. I do have HTN and high cholesterol (family hx) and take my meds religiously. As an aside, one of my fraternity brothers was an excercise nut. At 40 he was finishing the 1st lap of an 18hr mountain bike race and dropped dead. No MI, just Vtach. Luckily at the start/stop line were EMT's and revived him. His only pre-existing condition? High cholesterol. He didn't like the side effects of the meds, so didn't take them. I think he had quad bypass after that. And takes his meds now.

I'm reminded of Dennis Leary talking about Jim Fixx:

"Did a jogging book - did a jogging video and dropped dead from a massive heart attack when?
When he was fing jogging thats when!"

Glad your frat brother is still here!
I don’t want to throw the system out of level but,

Even when you know all the possible symptoms your mind will lie to you. Over 25 years of training and hands on and my mind still lied to me. I felt like I was having a panic attack, it was a Summer day, worked all day outside. Came home cool shower and went out to day with the pup. Came in and still couldn’t settle down, so I took the pup out again. Came back in, still couldn’t settle. Another cool shower and my mind started working. I took two baby aspirin, one under the tongue. Things improved for a short time. Then I remembered I have nitro (very old nitro) it worked. Then I knew what was going on. But the mind lies, I drove myself to the fire station (dumb move). They were doing practice and classroom on recognizing a heart attack. A nice lady took my BP and she went white. I had no signs, no signals, no pain. They took me in, I had been having a left side heart attack. A month later and one big surgery, then 3 months of rehab.

Now I go in every six months. I’m on a list of meds. The bikini thread helps gets the blood moving.

Now I’m dealing with climbing PSA numbers
After having a heart attack i never recognized , i recommend going to ER after any discomfort in the chest area. It may safe ur life. Secondly someone mentioned diet.
Lost 50lbs since mine and changed what i eat. Might cheat alittle every now again though.
Next pain in the chest could be the end. Get checked out.

I am totally f'd. I have had chest pain almost every day for the last 30+ years. I've torn both rotator cuffs, so I have pain shoot down my arms all the time. I have exercise induced asthma, so it is not unusual to have chest pain and even light headedness during exercise (at least until I realize I'm having an asthma attack, they can be subtle). I am just never going to know, so it go to the ER everyday or drop dead during exercise. My routine is fairly demanding. My knees don't allow me to run anymore, so I am limited to fast walking on the treadmill. About 15 minutes of that, then 3 or 4 three minute rounds on the heavy bag, with a minute in between. Best cardio you can get. Then some free weight work and planks and finally a 5 minute cool down on the treadmill that also allows me to remove my hand wraps.

Fortunately, aside from mild hypertension, there are no heart related issues in my family. My dad ultimately died of a heart attack, but it was an arrythmia caused by a blood disease he had that stunted his production of red blood cells. It is a rare disease due to repeated exposure to dioxin. It is usually fatal within 5 years, usually ending in a heart attack due to heart rhythm issues. I have never been exposed to dioxin.
I am totally f'd. I have had chest pain almost every day for the last 30+ years. I've torn both rotator cuffs, so I have pain shoot down my arms all the time. I have exercise induced asthma, so it is not unusual to have chest pain and even light headedness during exercise (at least until I realize I'm having an asthma attack, they can be subtle). I am just never going to know, so it go to the ER everyday or drop dead during exercise. My routine is fairly demanding. My knees don't allow me to run anymore, so I am limited to fast walking on the treadmill. About 15 minutes of that, then 3 or 4 three minute rounds on the heavy bag, with a minute in between. Best cardio you can get. Then some free weight work and planks and finally a 5 minute cool down on the treadmill that also allows me to remove my hand wraps.

Fortunately, aside from mild hypertension, there are no heart related issues in my family. My dad ultimately died of a heart attack, but it was an arrythmia caused by a blood disease he had that stunted his production of red blood cells. It is a rare disease due to repeated exposure to dioxin. It is usually fatal within 5 years, usually ending in a heart attack due to heart rhythm issues. I have never been exposed to dioxin.
U know I used to jog alittle with a buddy. We ran the flood wall along the ohio river. After a month or so of doing that I quit , it upset him when I told him. However I hated it and my thoughts was that if all this exercise was going to extend my life maybe 6 months I would rather enjoy my self than run.
I think the main thing is to eat healthy, and watch ur portions.
U know I used to jog alittle with a buddy. We ran the flood wall along the ohio river. After a month or so of doing that I quit , it upset him when I told him. However I hated it and my thoughts was that if all this exercise was going to extend my life maybe 6 months I would rather enjoy my self than run.
I think the main thing is to eat healthy, and watch ur portions.
I only have red meat once every 2 weeks or so. I went over a year without having a steak. Lots of chicken, pork and cod or salmon. I have lost about 38 pounds over the last 15 months and my stomach has shrunk so much from that process that I can't eat half of what I could (and did) 2 years ago. I do probably drink too much.

I hate to jog, so it doesn't hurt my feelings that my knees no longer allow me that "pleasure". I do like how much better I feel when I have an exercise routine. So I turned to boxing, which I enjoy and is great cardio and strength training.
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I only have read meat once every 2 weeks or so. I went over a year without having a steak. Lots of chicken, pork and cod or salmon. I have lost about 38 pounds over the last 15 months and my stomach has shrunk so much from that process that I can't eat half of what I could (and did) 2 years ago. I do probably drink too much.

I hate to jog, so it doesn't hurt my feelings that my knees no longer allow me that "pleasure". I do like how much better I feel when I have an exercise routine. So I turned to boxing, which I enjoy and is great cardio and strength training.
Yep, I cut out all fried foods, most sugar, and stopped smoking. However I not giving up cold beer. No chance on that, a man gotta enjoy something.

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